Is this even legal?

not many that tell their custies it’s 100% legal hemp

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Whatever they need told im sure thats whats said. Small fish big pond, huge margins.


I think none of us care till you try and take our business claiming you got something you dont. Like drama free thc. @Concentrated_humbold

No drama? Must taste like shit

I have no idea what any of that means. I don’t do drama, i have none in my life and I don’t do shit online


Imagine propping up a business. Playing by the rules with all slangers here. To be approved to advertise. Then sneak adding 6 thca heavy products and being silent. @Concentrated_humbold

Its just a recognized abuse of ones own very appearing successful business preying on the one market they shouldnt. Let alone the fact thcp and others arent made from Hemp… but somehow that shit is sliding too.

Props to those making that fast cash, but fuck you (anyone) for not playing by the same rules and acting as so.

I could careless, its business. Everything gets copied, replicated and then all over again. Not everyone was in this for there face to be plastered everywhere. If its just propping then it will eventually fall


Lmao i think it all will go to pharma.

If that does happen, rise back to the traditional.

Win, win.

You wanna hustle great. You wanna lie. I will call your products out.

I don’t have anything to say about what you said except the bit about following the rules. Medicine has been put in the hands of the people by this industry because they pushed boundaries and did not follow the rules a la California in the late 90s early 2000s. People wouldn’t have gotten the medicine they needed without pushing the limits. I think we need to be open to the fact that this could result in more medicine to people who need it.

I get we all need to protect our livelihood, but at the end of the day wasn’t the all about making THC legal in the first place? Because people need it.

All that being said I understand the ills and repercussions of the hemp industry. But rather than step in front of a moving train maybe we should be looking at the silver lining here, as is normally healthiest in any situation. My 2c.


Bro, i wont check your card. Show up. This aint the same as “check me out! I am legit and hire lots of people! Trust trust trust we aint risking our business!”

Because they fucking are. Lying to your customers is enough for me to say fuck you.

Recognizing the fakes.

Show me some thcp made from Hemp.

Let alone thca lmfao.

Show me some fucks willing to put their necks behind their online products.

If that happens and jt goes too pharma the only market i see will be small scale craft shit. No one out here or anywhere i know of will be doing 30k plants again and bring semi’s full of material to me ever again. Those days are gone, glad to have been part of it and got my piece. As far as im concerned its a dead business that dies just a tad more every day. If hemp guys are openly selling thc online, its dead way more than i thought. One of the best traits for business is to know when to bow out


When hemp slangers are openly selling weed and synthesized bug guts with lemon flavoring… I agree. It is dead.

Hell $40/gram shipped on a single gram of diamonds and it will only go lower.

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That trains been coming down the tracks for while, if you didn’t teach yourself another skill outside of this market than thats no ones fault but the persons. Legalization and the farm bill were the fatal shot the body just didn’t know it yet. So many don’t know how to pivot or see past this market and that is another killer in any business. 40 there like 5 here so yeah id say its got some room to fall, everywhere is half way to somewhere now so the flood is everywhere.


This is the end, my only friend, the end


I draw the line on synthetics. I applaud those risking the thca biscuits. Thcp? Different story. Same shops.

If it isnt made from cannabis or hemp (THCP) dont hide that.

Zero concerns about patients / consumers / truth on packaging branding or sales. Surely you can understand I am coming in at two concerns: not just thca but synthetics not even from cbd are sold by the same stores…

Lying to the customers face is the issue. Risking them.

Silver lining: i can point out others in defense and try the same. :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:


Isn t it funny when admitting to work for a rc company I was scum of the earth
2 years later 80% of those calling me this
Are RC company s lol


When I firstly started visiting this forum the sentiment was very different, but it’s pretty easy to be carefree whenever you’re selling a product waaaaaaay above what it actually costs. Now that the fat is trimmed, people are ready to slit each others throat for a dime.

So now it’s business as usual?

I equate making extracts to working in a food production plant.

Commodity items get commodity pricing…


None of us do, he is basically talking to himself


It’s ok. I mostly just show up on Future, talk to myself and leave.


Welcome to ecom my babies.

And alot of yall sound like borderline snitches

The darknet has already been taking your lunch money

And I don’t now about yall, but my THCO/D8 carts sell for 6 bucks wholesale at shops and cost me less than 2 bucks to make. If those margins don’t work for yall, you might want to sit back and look at your business


Do you mean econ?

But yes, I do agree with the sentiment otherwise.

Hopefully my dry sift comes soon, should be here by Saturday according to tracking.