Is N2 really mandatory with coils?

It’s the illuminated extractor patent and waxplug says he’s been doing it for a bit too


Heating the tank definetly works for anybody curious

Vapor push if done right will work better, mine works better than 6 cmepol’s pushing,it cant even be considered in the same ball park

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I run all propane right around that psi everyday are you just cold thumping it real quick or what am i missing.

I’m not sure but the link to the patent is on here somewhere. I’ll see if I can find it

Tldr - In the fog-like state of vapor, the solvent molecules are smaller which in turn grabs on to less long chain molecules like fats.


Ive cold thumped it before but wasn’t a complete dewax, i often use the constricting of valves to manipulate temp, ill have to give this a shot and see what happens. Appreciate it

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Okay of topic here but I can’t find a thread on running multiple trs21 in series. I know you can do it but how. I’ve got 3 of them 1 isn’t cutting it

Why are you using a pump in the first place?

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U want to run them in parallel and you may need to throw a check valve on each pump so they don’t fight each other. Passive is the way though…

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Could you point me towards a stainless check valve?


Because I don’t wanna spend a billion in dry ice. I was gifted a mta Evo tech mini so I planned on using it to recover.

Not sure I Googled it and a ton popped up though. How did u know I had a brass check valve :laughing:

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swing check or ball

swagelok has lift check valves up to 3/4


Damn passive really is the way huh. Just put the solvent tank on DI and push with n2 or is a coil required for injection as well? What’s the most cost effective way to chill my solvent tank? Got any tricks like the goretex ski pants on the material column type of shit. DI Is 1.58 a pound from the cheapest supplier I can find near me that’s why I’ve been hesitant to go that route, it sure Is safer though and sounds twice as fast.

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Hot vapors plus cold solvent equals not as good of solvent… But it’ll work. So will the psi of ur tank of it isn’t on dry ice otherwise you need nitro

You don’t need to chill the solvent tank. Use an injection coil. Then on recovery, as long as you recover cold enough and fast enough, you don’t have to chill the tank. The incoming gas does that for you.


For me, n2 is more than just about pushing, it’s also helpful for removing moisture from your system. I like to sweep the system with it between vacs just before using it to push injection. Just a thought…

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Has decent amount of info but second link has more

Most of the advice you’d want is in here

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If your recovery tank is to big to cool you should have enough psi in it to push it through the cold and through the system

Nitrogen vapor is used when you cool your butane and propane to the point of 0psi… The nitrogen will give you your psi back

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