Is kratom a thing here or wholesalers?

Ppl lie about kratom. Say there isn’t any withdrawals. An old friend of mine was so hooked on that stuff it was crazy. If you don’t have it you can’t function once your hooked. (Depression, anxiety, nerve issues, pain etc)

Some associate it with like Suboxone/naloxone mix like how it affects our brain…mu receptor.

partial agonist plays on the mu opioid receptor.
The 1/2 life is long.

Annoys me at the least that ppl run around talking about how it’s “a miracle medicine”


IF you take kratom for more than a few days you’ll def have withdrawal symptoms…it IS addictive. Very addictive.

IF your trying to self medicate TRY CANNABIS OIL!!! It’s WAY safer than kratom.