Is it possible to remove mystery oil contamination from slabs?

Hello, this is my first post and was hoping someone might have some insight on this. I recently ran some decently fresh trim into bho slabs and they came out with a burnt rubber mystery oil taste. I did distill my butane and wiped out my collection base and my stainless solvent tank. I’m guessing mystery oil still got through and was hoping there was some way to fix this. I was going to try to run it through a crc and hope for the best but after more research I’m not so sure it will work. My distillation process is pretty standard I think, I run the solvent into my base and circulate ~50-60f water to boil off the butane and leave residue behind. Usually this works well and I get most everything out but this time I think my gas may have back flowed into an old solvent tank I had hooked up and picked up residuals. I guess what I’m asking is had anyone had this problem before and fixed it? Is crc a viable option? I’ve tried searching the forum and can usually find what I’m looking for but I’m having trouble finding related information. I appreciate any and all input! Thanks for taking the time to read this!

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Worst case scenario, could I pass it off to get processed in distillate? I don’t want to poison anyone but I’d also like to not have to eat the loss if possible. Passing it off for distillate I’d take no cut bc of my error.

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Ive ran oil for distilate that had the same problems, depending how bad i was able to get rid of the sulphur rubber smell

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Thanks for the response! It’s comforting know that I probably haven’t completely ruined my buddies material. I’d much rather make nothing than have to pull money out of my butt to rectify my mistake.

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While yeah you prolly picked up the mystery oil from old tanks, another possible contamination point is your vacuum pump. Always close the valve between the oven and pump before turning pump off, or you can vac oil vapor into the oven.


Processing into distillate it will almost def get rid of that contamination as well. So all is not lost.

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Good to hear! Worst case I’ll pass it off and help him fill carts or something. That said, I am broke as hell right now and don’t wanna lose the toll if at all possible. Unfortunately, I’m not able to process my own distillate currently (no setup) and was kinda hoping for a sort “magical” solution to my problem lol. I know that’s probably incredibly naive but a guy can dream right? I guess it makes sense the only way to get rid of the nasties would be to distill them out. That said if anyone else has some sort of “band-aid” I’d be over the moon. Thanks for the responses, definitely comforting to know all is not lost!

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Why do you think crc wont work? It’s worth a shot I’d say.

Also, if anyone has tried to CRC a tainted run I’d be curious to hear about the results. Gonna try to search theforum again and see if i can dig anything up. If not maybe I’ll try it and let you guys know how it goes?

If I’m being honest the science may be a bit above my head. I did do a dab before I started reading so that may play a factor lol. I’ll see if I can find the link and dig it up. I think it was something with the mystery oil (benzene?) Not being water soluble or it was water soluble. That said I think I’m gonna give it a shot. I have read that crc makes good things taste better and bad things taste worse. It would definitely suck if somehow I messed them up even more lol! It would be my first crc run though, I just got everything set up and just need to pick up a nitrogen tank from my local supplier and devise a clever way to pre-wet my filter with my existing set up. It’s definitely an interesting place to start my journey with crc!


Def wish you luck brother! I’d say wait a few days. Likely someone else will chime in before too long.

Crc will not remove mystery oil


Try distilling multiple times rather then once

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What kinda tanks are you using, stainless or carbon steel?

Thanks for the response, we are definitely gonna redistill the gas and try to clean my solvent tank again. It is hard to clean though, about 4ft tall with a 4" triclamp opening. Out of curiosity do you know why it won’t work? I’m guessing something with the solubility or size of the molecules?

If you cant reach into tour tank to clean it, when its empty pull a full vac on it hook ip a hose to the vapor port and suck in some iso swish it around and dump it out til clean and then run your vac pump on it with both ports open until its dry

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It’s a large stainless Bhogart tank I think its 17.5 gallons? Bhogart doesn’t stamp tank weights and they use gallons instead of lbs for capacity. Or at least they did. I think I’m gonna start a thread asking for tips on how to clean it because it only has a 4" hole and is pretty tall. The tank I think the gas back flowed into was probably carbon steel though. It was one of those cheap yellow and grey dot lpg tanks.

That’s a great idea! It definitely beats the rag on a broom handle I was using!

Been there, i would empty my tanks bi weekly to remove moisture and whatever else.

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And to be on the safe side use the liquid port incase you got ahit in there as well

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