Is CRC the new norm?

How many people are NOT using CRC nowadays?

Seems like it’s the new norm?
I’m not bashing it in any way. I know when used properly it’s a great item to use for color remediation.
Just wondering how many out there are not using it?


make a poll, it can automatically tally the results too.


Once I started running crc, I never looked back lol.


I’ll never run a non crc again.

It remediates color…yes.

But there will often be other side effects…which I much prefer as well. It aids in nucleation, and most of what I run is poured into jars to nucleate, as opposed to slabs or batters. It will soften a really strong terp profile, and for a guy with some sort of terpene allergy…I like that.

At the bottom end of the spectrum, It will take something I wouldn’t dab, and turn it into something I will dab.

There is a reason it is the new norm…


The custies love it, a guy who’s been getting clowned for years for smoking poop soup can now say he’s a connoisseur who only smokes fresh pressed live rosin. It makes all the low and mid grade smokers feel better about the trash they’re smoking. I know there’s a lot of good crc on the market but if you have super fire material there’s really no point, in so cal you mostly see years old low potency trim run crc with terps added back.


Good flower and a light crc is wayyyy better than Good flower non crc



Agreed. A light CRC on a flower run is much better in my opinion.

But I grow gassy shit that punches you in the face…or makes you vomit when you trim it. A light CRC makes the terp profile much more palatable.


I love me some amber. I have had very little CRC that I’ve really liked. I can always taste something… off.


There is very big differences when CRC is done one stupid fire material vs 2 year old outdoor.

I have some homies that make some stupid fire crc live resin and cured resin. Shit is always full bodied and the terp profiles are insane. They only do a super light scrub to go from like a gold to a lighter yellow.

Ive also bought super cheap bulk thca that was made with older material tested high but all was very bland but high in THCa when tested. The color was super light to white and had nearly no terps and was bland. I just find myself pouring the fire live resin terps on the bland stuff and im back to smoking a fire product.

This is 2 ways it can be used very productively and good. If i had bought that bulk thca for high dollar with the bland taste…id be a bit upset but the price was consistent with the quality of the extract.


For cost reasons I’m currently not using one. I feel like I’m doing a good enough job as is. I also don’t sell either so there is that.

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@Lodawg just posted some nice looking diamonds that aren’t crc.

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So in that way you’re almost using the powders just like the winemakers do. It’s called fining, and they do it to remove unwanted tannins.

I was just reading about it yesterday. It’s pretty neat, they use bentonites and even egg whites for fining agents.

Edited to add part of your quote to make more sense hopefully




This is the color I have been rocking lately. Getting it pretty consistently. B80


I would NEVER EVER CRC live resin but thats me. IMO if your CRCing fresh frozen you are doing something wrong in the extraction process.


forgot to mention that is a fresh run

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I do a similar thing. I spin shit HTE off THCa and add that THCa back to another run, that was too terpy…with desirable terps. This allows me to find my desired consistency, and have a good terp profile that’s not overpowering.


I’ve not read about that…I’ll have to look into it.

I don’t drink and never liked wine…

Non crc

I hate running a crc. I have 200 lbs of outs im about to give someone to turn to disty i hate running crc so much. It takes extra time and money. The indoor i isually run is so fire crc is pointless