Have some questions about inline color remediation for our closed loop system. Looking to hopefully not use a press to compact powders for an inline small column we will be adding to our system.
Alumina, clay, carbon, which is the best to use? Again I am trying not to have to use a press to pack, more so looking to just throw one of these products in a small tube after the column before our base. Which product would work the best for this ?
Packing the column with a press is pretty important to avoid channeling. You can get presses really cheap at harbor freight. Also the filter powders all have specific roles and pull different things out of solution. I’d recommend looking through the original CRC post. Scroll through and read comments that have a lot of likes to get through quickly cuz there’s a lot there. Just be careful if you try and cut corners because small mistakes with this method can cause some pretty big problems with your extract like filter powders ending up in your oil or oil coming out with weird unappealing colors like grays and off greens.
T5 and silica 60 usally 100g of each per 4x48 column but i used about 60 grams of each hoping for a light yellow. I think maybe I let the solvent drop to fast. @WarrenB it has a gray light green to it.
I’d use a bit more of each and try adding AA to the mix. I’m a firm believer in packing the filters tho plenty of people have seen good results without it. I just worry about increasing risk of channeling. We do a lot of toll work so we try and reduce our margin of error when dealing with someone else’s product as best as possible.
Bottom to top silikate pulver, silica 60, t5, and a little more silikate pulver on top . /// had been using t41 but switched to t5 been trying to figure out my yield issues. Not sure if it’s the silica 60 or t41,t5 causing yield issues. Ran 10lb of gorilla glue super fine filtered out all the big leaves, and only yielded 165g of beautiful live resin looking oil, but at the cost of a ridiculous yield. @WarrenB
@Fireinfireout I am a little skeptical of using t41 if you are running your solvent cold. My concern is that the % of carbon in t41 would pull cannabinoids under cold temperatures. I’ve talked with people on here in different threads that claim to see no noticeable loss from t41 but I’m definitely skeptical.
Silica 60 is the where your seen lose. Been using t41 and t5 with great results. Since i dropped silica my lose went away. I run at almost -80 everything
We run at -80 as well. So your saying for running that cold just use t41 and t5, and thats it?? Do you pack these or have them loose ? How much are you using of each? Sorry for all the questions !
I’m going to drop the silica 60, and report back my results @sonicgardens do I use more t5, t41 to make up for not using the silica 60? What ratio are you using per pound of material?