Indofabs C.R.C & BHO Color Remediation Tek

By no means is this medicine… not any that i would medicate with… do you smoke shitty shatter? Ever? I do not… if i dont like the way it looks i wont touch it…


Shatter goes for 10-20/g or 200-300/oz and sugar sauce goes for 20-30/g and 500-700/oz in Denver, CO.

That’s retail out the door prices.


Thats about what I expected outta denver… probably fire also? Now do you think clear tek trim run is gonna cost more then a yellow nugg run?

Is it medecine or shat?

Mostly, you gotta know where to look. It’s kinda hard to find legitimate medicine for the low end of that, but, it’s around. Especially in the medical only shops.

I would be surprised if anyone actually started using the C.R.C. tek here, if they did they would certainly charge more for it.

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So are they selling non medicinal quality in the shops?

There’s definitely some boof around, unfortunately.

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Geez wtf?.. thats kinda the point i was eventually gonna get to. With this crc tek… im wondering if alot of poop gonna be polished up and sent as primo… i wonder what before and after test results will show…


250 to 300oz.
Unless it’s nugs…350 to 400
San diego


What do you mean this is no medicine??? Id have to disagree with you brother. If i can make it for $200 a oz or less and feel like selling it for $400…whats the problem. Just cause its cheap its not medicine. We dont grow outdoors here! Most of what i buy is clean material. So if i can buy some trim for $75 a lb and it comes back at 12% yield. So thats 52g or so for lets say $125 for Dry ice and filters. How is there no margin there??? How is this not medicine??? Is it not medicine cause people have gotten more efficient at this.

i smoke shitty concentrates all the time…I was just in California for a whole week! LMAO! What do you think they got out there in the dispensaries!

I will put it this way…if your smoking flower or concentrates grown outdoors, your smoking b grade work at best. @Dabbedone do you grow or extract outdoor herb at all??? I would call that shitty shatter at best. I still medicate with it but its not top shelf by any means.

I guess people would call what i smoke “exotics” but its just normal work for me.


Damn boi you getting ripped off to hell. I’m in SD as well, hit me up if you need some better vendors bro that will buy for more.


If you are good at extracting it doesn’t totally matter what you’re extracting from, you can make it taste and dab great with awesome COA’s

Indoor is always gonna give best taste though


Trim is like 10 to 20 a pound thats why its so cheap


I got pallets of b80 and cellite so my costs are really low


Dry ice is like 15c a lb pellets butane $40 for 22lb


I was talking about what is going down for 300- 350 around here… not about your situation…

I do disagree on other aspects… your outta your mind if you think all outdoor is b grade…yes i grow both in and outdoors…


until im proven wrong…ill stick with that conclusion. NEVER have i smoke outdoor that i thought was exotic. and yes…all outdoor is bgrade at best!

I guess im outta my mind…ive been told that before!