Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid: How are you labeling your cannabis?

Ever smoked a joint on the couch watching tv, walked in to the kitchen to get a snack and started doing dishes and laundry and forgot about the movie and the wife on the couch? That’s a good sativa🤣

I’d like this terpene identified


This hits home way too much. Don’t get me started when there are a few beers thrown into the mix….


So I guess to sum up my ranting and rambling. As far as labeling, I’d really hammer down on strains, and contents of the package, as a company, also not a terrible idea to have information regarding the origins of strains (more people need to get this, including myself, and it will make you a more intuitive owner) It’s just good business to inform your client about the contents, hybrid, sativa, and indica have been used as a marketing ploy for so long that this is the precise problem, rather than examining what’s in the box, everyone is focusing what’s on the box.

If you notice a trend of contents within a certain genetic arena you know now that it’s not ______strain, it’s this attribute, and vice versa, it allows (gasp) the consumer to make informed decisions.

Same problem you have with THC chasers.

So quit focusing marketing there and you won’t at the very least, be exacerbating the problem.

Also, on a brutally personal note, the guy that showed/explained all this to me, really opened my eyes to where things were, and where they’re going, has a brain tumor, I’m about to go do some caretaking, so this hits close too @406_Chemabis, I’d have that beer and passionately rip about this all day, I believe the industry is going to lose a real one here soon, and it sucks… in an industry filled with indiscriminately
labeled hybrid/sativa/indica products, it needs all the real ones it can.


I will leave with this sentiment from one hell of a dude.

God what I would give to even sample some of the unique profiles he came across through his journey.


yes. much. apologies.


Taxonomy debate?!

This one goes into the NLD and BLD…


dammit! I knew it was the weed…

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I tried explaining to people ended up just labeling them. Uphill battle

“It is specifically the environments that determine over a long period of time what variations will show.”

As written, this statement is incorrect. It is specifically the combination/interplay of genetics (e.g. an organisms genome sequence) and the environment that determine which phenotypes appear in which plant species at any point in time.

We refer to these as G x E (ie, “gee by eee”) interactions or G x E effects. G x E interactions occur in real time, every second of every day, and their integration over time determines a plant’s phenotype (which also changes over time).


Hey man, thank you for that awesome correction.


Until there is better analytical testing I’d say say that there is still an argument on both sides. Something that hasn’t until recently been highlighted is the variations of alkyl chain length the other is Blood brain barrier penetration. Also full metabolite profiles.
There is definitely minor cannabinoid selectively for the up vs down receptors.


This could be my ignorance on the topic…but wasn’t/isn’t indica or sativa designations primarily a phenotypic expression that was found to produce different leaf structure and overall plant growth structure? Not necessarily specific to terpenes?

I’m sure on there are genetic expressions of terpene or other small molecule production that may have been predominant in specific phenotypic expressions, but I always thought indica vs sativa was primarily describing the physical structure of the plant more so than the effects you felt when smoking it (although again, they may go hand in hand).


My understanding is that it’s been an iterative thing. The original distinction was indeed a botanical/taxonomical designation for subspecies that evolved separately in Asia (pre-hybridization).

Then, as modern growing evolved (1960s-on), most strains became hybridized so it was more of a description of plant structure and phenotype, that was then correlated to distinct trends in effect from smoking/vaping one vs. the other.

Now, it seems to have evolved to people smoking/vaping the product, noting the experience, and applying the label at that point, and/or using a lot of influence from terpene profile tests and an increased understanding of terpene/aroma-to-effect correlation, and/or influenced by a sort of nebulous, ‘zeitgeist’-based understanding of ‘this strain is historically an indica/that strain is sativa’, which may use actual genetic tracking, or a just reference you looked up on Leafly.

It’s kind of all over the place, and would be why this topic exists, and why there are some pretty strong opinions on the current state of things


Overall the public is not only ignorant, but unable to recognize logic because they are illogical. The only way to kill the fairy tale of indica/sativa is for someone that the masses blindly follow like Berner to call it out. Until then the mouth breathers Will continue to muddy the intellectual waters with their drug addled brains


I just wish people wouldn’t make up names.
We get requests for the newest latest strain every day, and it’s always different.
It’s not possible for all of these strains to be out there, it’s mostly just made up to be cool.

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It seems like everyone that makes seeds feels their cross deserves a new name. I personally would prefer only stabilized IBL strains to be named and crosses to be designated as such (WW x BB F3). Science is not involved enough yet, and marketing doesn’t know/care enough to tell customers that High Times had it wrong all those years…

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Has anyone really confirmed homozygous lines…?

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Who the fuck in their right minds would wanna go explain the whole taxonomy debuckle of cannabis starting with Linneus and Lamarck not aknowledng correctly their respected findings…

I mean if we take a look at littlerature everyone that found their cannabis in different conditions gave it a name and its still not clear as to what use it presents.

There is sense in making a drugtype and a food type and fiber type cannabis nowdays, but noone makes effort to really devide them into categories in use… Because this is not a taxonomical characher…

Im bot making anysense, like trying to explain a crosshybrid with indica and sativa percentage…

Maybe the terp would help us solve this in a more modern fashion, suited to the nowday use.

But i found kush like terps in heavy industrial strains in EU cert varietys… So how to approach this sensibly?

Evaluation of agronomic,chmeotaxomonic,morphological characteristics…

Cause in 10 years time these thc hybrids might turn out to be the best fiber/protein providers that noone thougbt to look at… Cause of the precious terp profile for smoking…

My half 0.01€ for the food thought mill…


Let the cultivators use indica/sativa to describe internodal and flowering characteristics, and let us figure out wtf entourage is and then we can have an informed discussion then.


Just better communicate the product.

I love products whether it’s seeds flower or concentrate that label things like structure, effect, flavor/aroma, Chemical profile.

If you do this you can ditch the jargon