Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid: How are you labeling your cannabis?

The science of entourage is lacking, so it’s going to be a while. We need to

  1. identify which chemicals are responsible for entourage and
  2. create the proper chemovar types with which we can properly predict effect based on the phytos present.

There are potentially hundreds of compounds responsible for the entourage…I am skeptical it will be cracked in my lifetime although I myself am very interested in understanding it better.

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b-caryophyllene goes on this list. In 2008, Gertsch et al showed that this terpene binds to the CB2 receptor and induces its activity. It is a CB2 agonist. In other words, higher levels of b-carophyllene causes more “body high” and less “head high,” while lower levels (relatively speaking) of b-caryophyllene causes more “head high” and less “body high.”

Molecular agonists and antagonists that bind to, and act preferentially on, CB1 or CB2 are good candidates for better understanding the molecular basis of the entourage effect. As are cannabis molecules that preferentially effect the various molecular, cellular, and physiological processes that occur downstream of CB1 and CB2 binding activity.


A large jar with a cork, skull and crossbones with ‘XXX’ underneath it generally


Here’s Lisa dabbing straight from one of my jars while homer dances in anticipation


Been saying this for years. Plus, cannabis indica is all the rec weed we smoke and cannabis sativa is basically hemp afaik, and ruderalis is where we get autos from.

Yes most rec trash is indica based, because the Afghan strains grew shorter nuggier plants that had more bag appeal, but it’s not hemp is sativa and weed is indica


The recent DNA study by the Israelis found that about 98% of cannabis strains are not pure. They have other DNA bred into them, either intentionally or by stray pollen. Wild cannabis in only the most remote regions of the world is all that remains pure as an indica or sativa. That sounds magical, but “pure” in the natural sense would include a lot of traits that are not desirable, especially hermaphrodism.


This is likely true of all plant species, not just cannabis. All genomes contain many many viral DNA insertions, transposable DNA elements, etc.


Yep. Link was in third post…

well I overlooked it, shit happens

Indeed. If nobody pointed that out how would you know? If you don’t know, how do you get better?!?

Look at it from my standpoint:

THAT paper WAS the paper I went looking for for @Akoyeh, to support the “they are all just hybrids”.

So READING IT is reasonably considered a starting point for the conversation.

You HAVE read it, and we agree on the take home.

We also agree that you did NOT process

In the manner it was offered: ie clicking on the damn link to get where OP was coming from.

Guess it makes more sense than waving spoons at octopi

do you feel better now?

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No, but if I can just find a sativa…


Wouldn’t label them as such.

The strain name used to mean some kind of something, before the great hybridization.

Unless you’re the breeder, and really in there, or have one, you’re just slapping a label on it.

The names themselves were merely intended to be connotations of where the species were first discovered taxonomically. Perhaps the entourage profiles are different because of the environments they were bred to survive, idk, but the names themselves were never intended to describe the effects obtained smoking/vaping/ingesting the phytos expressed.


No duh?

That’s what gives genetic variation.

People from Africa are 99.9% the same as Europeans, what’s the difference?

It is specifically the environments that determine over a long period of time what variations will show.

Frenchy Cannoli used the term terrior.

Each region, has its own soil contents, VPD, moisture content, etc, etc. Over 100’s or 1000’s of generations, there’s gonna be some variation.

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My point is that is a separate and irrelevant point. We are arguing over terminology from a taxonomical system based on geographic origin and using that to presume that they produce completely different effects simply because they were related to those landraces.

In reality I’d expect a wide variety of entourage profiles in either that overlap in effect, just like we see with human DNA between the sociological construct of “races”. There is a considerable range of variation within whatever class you want that probably dwarfs that between c. indica and c. sativa.



Nobody wants to say an African and Asian person looks the same.

We are delving into arena’s that are not in my sphere admittedly, so pardon any misconception I may have.

I ain’t no biologist @Marmoris, so excuse my trying to add to the discourse.

Landraces have a very different profile to boutiques, my favorite plants I ever pulled from, were landraces. And various profiles create different effects, and various profiles come from things as simple as geographical region, that geographical connotation gives you an idea of the profile you’re gonna expect. Bet every person here knows kush=piney/gassy unless hybridized.

Frenchy’s group is doing the orange turbo challenge, specifically to see what variation occurs geographically, within the very same genetic profile. Which, will be curious.

I’d be curious to see what’ll happen both, as we discover new isolated genetics (land races), and as we refine, and hybridize the next boutiques. Neat schtuff.

I think that taxonomy really is near and dear to growers, like true, love of the plant growers/breeders, for most consumers/basic commercial guys, they just need to know flowering times and does it have good structure/florals.

I think hemp and canna would make neat hybrids. The potentiation is “far out” for sure.


I made an instagram post about this, Sativa vs India, and explained how the two differ from one another under various contexts: taxanomical, geographic origin, genetics, entourage/terpene, etc…

And there is always that one troll that calls you out saying your information is fake, because you got the number of weeks for the flowering wrong when really the whole point was to show the difference in time it takes for the two strains to flower.


Wanna know the difference between an average grower and a real deal holy field, he/she will have landraces, to hybridize into the boutiques, to create and source their own profile.

I’ve had Malawi’s that were sour as all get out, limonene monster.

I’ve had Green Thai, that literally tasted like a cup of green tea.

There’s something special to those rare isolated strains, rather than the convoluted bastards some of these groups are firing out. Yeah the bud structure might not be “bag appeal”, but they are different experiences, it’s just a fact of life IMO.