I’ll be short an sweet , no co2 , maybe some 20yr old argon I could borrow… I’m set up for nitrogen but not hot loop
Could u potentially recover about 84f and instead through sieve push the recovery through the material crc rack mounted baby to clean all the butane out bc bunch gets stuck without nitrogen
Or would I be better off to drop temp in tank then hot bump some psi
Extra 6” or less diameter spool you can get a gauge and prv on?
You could make a “hot push” by filling either of those to 20% and raising the temp to “push pressure” based on that handy dandy vapor pressure graph from engineering toolbox that I’ve littered around here…
Edit: straight tane? Make yourself the above pipe bomb if you can do it safely. 50C will get you about 50PSI. I wouldn’t go higher unless you’ve pressure tested (hydrotested!) to at least 3x your intended WP.
I have been in this situation, attempted it (with “success”, but did have to bypass my crc) and after the run, wished I had eatin the loss on DI and waited until Monday to get nitrogen.