Ikrusher Uzo Leaking issues

Anyone have experience filling the IKrusher UZO?

Just filled a few hundred of these disposable vapes and followed the filling sop and still had several leak

Any suggestions on filling or storing to minimize this issue?


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I normally fill at 65c in a jet fueler

The Ikrusher folks told me to dispense at 55c

These have been the worst ikrusher product I’ve ever tested. I always use the tried and true vfire


It’s all a marketing ploy to get people to switch to the “Cold Filling Syringe


What were your issues? I filled 20 samples not even following the sop and no issues now this

does distillate flow well? r is it for other materials? love your products

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The mouthpieces didnt fit right. this is before they changed the design but i havent tried the current version because the last one was so inferior to other products of theirs ive tested.

The zenbar is the best disposable from ikrusher ive tried so far with reliability in mind


The cold fill days are upon us

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mouthpiece issue was fixed i believe, but now i have this leaking

Never used that specific hardware but for really thin viscosity decarbed rosin sometimes I have to fill certain hardware below 100 degrees F.

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That very low temp for sure, any vids of you filling at that temp?

Don’t have any videos but will try and snap one next time filling carts. I was a bit skeptical it could be done but we are able to consistently fill rosin carts at 95 degrees with our thompson duke. When filled hotter the thin oils were flooding thru the ceramic atomizer and leading to clogs and or sucking oil up into your mouth.

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they told us to manually fill the nords and cap one by one, kinda defeated the purpose of having the vapejet


i only do 10 at time with the jet fueler then cap as the sop says like 90 sec or some shit

may just do one by one next time

yeah the automation is really only practical for 510, so many disposables with all their finnicky bs.

Thanks for the info, appreciate it.

I tested tons of these. Loved the hardware besides the massive fail rate. Stopped filling them and life is easier.


what year?

what was your fail rate?

did anything lower this rate that you tried?

thanks for your input, if you say something i pretty much accept it as fact around here

boss ordered 10k of these instead of the 1k i suggested to do a large test sample because the 20 we tested worked good.

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Have you tried the rosin bar by ccell? In my experience ikrusher and their team are shit

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didnt like the form factor on the ccell disposables


Ignore their filling procedures, i personally tested these in production/r&d and agree with killas comment heavily.

Automated cart fillers are nothing more than a common used appliance, just google xyz machining automation idk. These arent specifically made for carts they are around and used for many applications like 3d printing, capsule filling, etc etc.

You can buy em from china for a few grand and program several different options. Name each program after the cart your filling problem solved.

The one i have is 500mm x 500mm and you can program each movement per mm. Dont really even have to measure out the z axis. Just x and y and since spacing is identical in cart packaging you can just measure a few and add for each.

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