Ikrusher Uzo Leaking issues

It works for any concentrate that can flow. As long the concentrate can move with gravity, it will flow with 30% less heat than an hsw would need for the same concentrate

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March of last year through probably June. So 9-12 months ago. Can’t remember extract fail rate but the absolute max I could tolerate would be 1/100 and would prefer it to be much closer to 1/1000. These were for sure over 10% and was worse as the weather warmed up.

When evaluating hardware I always tell the vendors I need 100 minimum and if there are any problems in those 100 i probably won’t even try to fill more

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welcome try our IC-Box Pro

You can try CBD/THC vape hardware from www.boshangvape.com. The essence of non-leaking oil is air pressure sealing.

The reason of leaking can be various:
1.The oil intake is greater than the atomization. Atomization is related to temperature and temperature is related to power. Maybe the atomization function is not suitable.

2.It is better to cover the cigarette holder as soon as possible after filling the oil, so that it can be sealed immediately, did you cover the hardware immediately?

3.For CBD oil, 1g>1ml, maybe you fill the oil accoridng to weight so the oil is too much.

What capacity and oil do you use? We can help you get best solution. Welcome to contact me at sharonhu642@gmail.com
Ins: sharon.export

Is there a site I can go to and request samples, or email? DM ME

anyone else getting boarderline harassed buy iKrusher sales reps weekly? haha i had to finally very sternly tell them to stop contacting me


Please check the message.

I sometimes observe their changing of the guard in my instagram inbox. They really flush through employees

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