Ok i am about to have a conversation
With a lab that has little knowlidge of cannabinoids but the lab man
Has discipline and knows how to calculate chromatograms Well of gc/ms
Now My Quistion is
How and by Wich test can synthetic CBD be discovered
The chemicals would be similar structures, try looking for precursers or any junk left from the reaction. Perhaps investigate the chirality is it racemic? Bad synthisys has lots of clues left behind, if they knew what they were doing the and the cbd was made under ideal conditions it would be closer to the real deal.
Hmmm not a one machine stick iT in
Get an anwser kind of thing
What is all that chinees CBD on the market?
Exept for beeing heavy metal poluted
Is iT natural ?
Wouldent iT be easyer to take CBDsample
Isomerize to say delta 8 and look at those results to see the CBD origin
The problem with that is, if the synthetic cbd is of good quality it would behave the same as the plant made cbd. You want to look for bent up molicules or backwards ones, or any reagents used that may be leftover. @Photon_noir "where you at dawg!’
Well Yes treu
Got to contemplate on. This one
Maybe. A good microscope can give Some anwsers in the cristalizing structure
In Sertain drugs the acids and solvents used give different cristalization structures
There should be a “easy” way to figure iT out thx for your reply thou
That might only tell you how it was recrystalized, the origins would still be unknown.
Treu but If say chloroform or benzeen Gives a sertain difrent cristalization and we were able to identifie that
We have a good hunch of the quality provinance of the isolate
I know iT is still guess work this way
But a person i know by s chinees CBD
At 1600$ a kg cleans iT up heavy metals and other polutants
And sels iT at EU market prices
I don t judge i just barely wonder how does one knows what one buy s
If you want real deal cbd you need to know where it came from personally. Thats the easiest way for sure. You also might try one of our verifyed cbd sellers here, lots of cbd coming from the heart of america!
Purified synthetic CBD with be no different at all than the isolate natural product.
A MOLECULE IS A MOLECULE IS A MOLECULE. The molecule is the exact same it does not matter how you obtain it
Do you think they are going through the trouble of cleaning up their product, or do you think it has “traces” of its origins ?
except when looking at things made by critters.
where the magic is performed enzymatically.
there you can often see the hallmark of “natural” in the ratio of stereo isomers.
It does of course require a chiral center, and I’m not certain the CBD molecule has one of those.
I certainly don’t see multiple CBD peaks in the paper below. but that would be my expectation for biologically produced CBD.
edit: yep, it’s chiral. so the technique Waters uses should do the trick…
Edit: I’m wondering if this would mean there should be two distinct crystal morphologies in synthetic CBD isolate.
Actually, with two chiral centers, there should be 4 enatiomers. So crystal structure seems like a decent place to look for clues
See if the sample rotates plane-polarized light
If enantiomericly pure, plant derived cbd should produce a negative rotation. You could get more in depth, do NMR, or buy a chiral column and separate the chiral isomers by chromatography. I used to use GC to determine enantiomeric excess of my synthesis products.
We Solution chemists should be able to form and isolate the single enantiomer.
Ok first of all THC is My cannabinoid of choich
The cbd tread i have started for learning and hopeing to be suffiecent educated by the time the european market steps up
The discripancy % i have read about in the GC treads have made me realise
That No matter how controlled the system is from clone to end product
There is room for so called cutting
As in adding a same or different substance to the batch
Now say You get Chinese CBD at a cheap price
As a complyant producer You Could Ad Some cheap CBD to every batch
And sell iT of as your OWN complyaint produced Cbd
Catch My drift !
I really hope these rules and regulations workout for a fair and good pruduct
And since europe still has to make their rules and regulations i hope these trench holes can be avoided by Some way
Maybe a little of the tread titel but Ok
Any brand or name of. Apparatus that can do this please
Presumably that takes more work than a racemic synthesis…so checking the ratios of the various enantiomers may still give valuable information on the cheap stuff.
Hè @soxhlet
I only want to stir the pot
Get people to think about all facets of our trade
And learn myself while dooing so
Might never Need iT or use iT but at least i know
Thx again for your great input