I poured a trim run into a jar and got this 1,2,3 a,b,c šŸ¤·šŸ½

Double up

Edit Oh I seeā€¦

You guys are over complicating this. Itā€™s made with butane and good material. Not sure where you guys are coming up with this anti solvent. Butane and terps are the only things involved with this process


Lol the terps are the anti solvent bro bro. And yea like I said I only get this off live resin or nug runs etc. But diamond alchemy has a terpene refinement tek that were discussing in his group chat


Lol this is sad that I know how to do this but canā€™t because of regulations.

Canā€™t wait to move again.


Well terps are a solvent so how does that make them an anti solvent?


So do you think itā€™s close to impossible to get it from trim? Not saying that in a dick way at all, genuinely curious of the answer

Fresh sorted sugar trim that comes out as good as anything else

Ita just rare to find in the wild

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OP does this with trim easily. Terps are not required for this process.


Holographic charizard rare

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My Google fu says " Antisolvent is a solvent in which your compound is less soluble. Usually solvent/antisolvent mixture is a good component for obtaining crystals, especially in the case of organic compounds."

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Right so has anyone confirmed the quality level of this trim?

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Jars full of butane sure are fun


You can do this with any quality trim


Quality is irrelevant. If you have biomass with THCA you can do this. All that is required is THCA and solvent in the right ratios at the right conditions.


What about trying it with different solvents? I have no doubt that youā€™ve explored all available options open to you, but I thought I would askā€¦


Its just n butane

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Makes perfect sense to me

So then terpenes would only be relevant to the ā€œsauceā€ on top correct?

Am I correct in thinking the size of the stones is determined by the saturation level then?

I understand that. I am asking if there are other solvents that he can use for crystallization to skirt (or comply) to regulations. Like limonene, or something

My list of approved solvents is very narrow, the issue is pressurized solvent, Iā€™m not allowed to do that without another 150k into the building and a peer reviewed vessel to do it in.

Jars work perfectly fineā€¦


Noā€¦ temperature, pressure, and saturation are the important factors.