I keep breaking Pyrex dishes in microwave

Is there something less shatter prone i can use in the microwave? I use it to dry sometimes and it works great, but i cant seem to keep a glass dish for more than 3 or 4 heating sessions before they pop.

Theyre all borosilicate, mostly Anchor the off brand of pyrex.

Would ceramic help here i assume its too hot for silicone or is there something else?

Thanks guys, i havent seen anyone mention this… i looked around a bit.

Im pretty sure its going from 60f to 400f then back to 60f fairly quickly

Most Pyrex dishes are actually soda lime glass now, not boro


You can get old boro from Pyrex, buy the brand in America I think switched to soda lime glass.

However in France I think they still have the good stuff, so if you can’t find the old stuff from yard or estate sales, there are companies that import boro Pyrex from Europe, but it’s more expensive that the crap at WalMart.


Is there a good way to tell by looking at them ?

Maybe i can look for glass pots made to be on the stove? Coffee pots? Some kind of metal that can go in the microwave?

Old pyrex seems expensive and i would feel really bad breaking Pyrex from the 60s. I feel like there could be other, less expensive things maybe?

EBAY 40 dollar pot. Maybe worth a shot.

I’m just shooting in the dark, but perhaps shorter on cycles would help here. Something like 5-10 seconds on, followed by 5-10 seconds off, repeat until desired temp is reached.

Microwaves are tuned to excite water molecules. When none are present to absorb the microwaves, the waves have to heat something else, and wind up directly heating the glass in a non kind manner.


Try putting a glass of water in the microwave with the pan.


Wait you are boiling water in the microwave? Look at this Superheating - Wikipedia


Is there a better process for this application?

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Don’t drop the temp so much so fast.


I’m amazed no one has asked wtf you are drying in the microwave? :thinking:



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Microwaving alcohol to dry it? Now I’m way more confused lol

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Heat is all I can think of. Maybe maing sure all the water is hot and evaporated, I dunno. But seems like it

Ok, so I heat iso in the microwave to clean bongs. But I only use like 15ml and zap it for 10 seconds to just under the boiling point because super heating liquids is dangerous.

I don’t recommend this to anyone else because I have the burns to prove it’s freaking dangerous.

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thanks for that. got them all long ago
got quite a few from cup to 2qt.
all in caps PYREX. cool to know

Flammable Solvent + microwave = terrible idea
Lol, no burns needed to figure that one out


It’s also highly effective at cleaning glass quickly. Given that I do it on a daily basis safely, I think it’s very dangerous, but it’s not a terrible idea if you understand what you are doing and maintain some basic safety precautions.

Handling explosives is dangerous, but if you do it right, its a valuable skill that needs to be managed for safety. If you do it wrong, you risk life and limb. Great tool for some, safety liability for others. Educate yourself, and do what works for you in a safe manner, but I am not going to deny others the ability to blow stuff up.

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Didn’t we have a member do this with another chemical and some lab glass? And blow up bud microwave? Can’t remember the details or who it was off the top though lol


Why though? It would be a LOT safer to put a little iso in the bong and press and seal the openings and put in in a pot of hot water on the stove. (No open heating elements or flames)

Let it reflux a bit and give it a few shakes occasionally. No scary chance of super heating the iso that way.