I hate SPRK carts

Batch after batch of wasted product trying to find the right way to fill these damn things and have them loose enough to flow in the cart.

But, at the same time trying to maintain the taste and not convert it over to that burnt anus smell, while trying to maintain the color.

So this time I took the decarb further. I let alllll the bubbles go away. I took it off, filled it… now it won’t even wick.

This is fucking ridiculous - you need a masters degree to make carts but half a brain to make shatter.


There is a reason you don’t see shatter carts in dispensaries. There are proper ways to make carts. Try distillate and cannabis derived terps


I need a distillation setup small enough to fit in an apartment. Terps are easy.

I’m thinking on giving up on the shatter carts lol.


Pa has bho carts .5s for 50-60 and then black sludge solventless for 70-80 for .5s The bho was 10x better but still nasty af

glad i dont live in PA then… :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


Yes you are :joy: The mountain area and country are awesome but the concrete jungles are hell… The medical program has to be one of the worst in the country if not the worst.


sounds like you’d be better off w a decent distillate plug

btw when making shatter carts. decarb by getting to temp the throw In vac chamber to keep color better

next invest in a tasteless terps, floraplex makes nice one. add this at 6% instead terps and if your shatter still taste good you can actually taste the shatter. if not add 3% canna terps

the tasteless terps allows ur decarbbed shatter to flow better thru the cart

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Aren’t those tasteless terps Phytol? Like those flavorless diluent I see at Botanical Terpene sellers?

I don’t really want a plug tbh. I want to make it all myself. Plus any plug I find it going to be selling cut shit. Vit E MCT etc etc…

Hey plus if I get it to decarb temp in a vac it’s going to destroy the product. Wouldn’t the vac lower the boiling point of the terpenes?


ok fine spend 4-9k on small disty set up, cold traps pumps and all
sorry under 3k$


yes flavorless diluents allow u to taste ur live resin or shatter after decarb

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You can set one up for under $3k with all the pump and stuff.


When I buy a house I guess I am going to have to :confused: sadly at this time it’s a no go.

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Treasure lake in Dubois is awesome though, but sounds like there med system sucks

I am not a baller like many here and prolly only mixed a few thousand carts over the past 4 years and I have never used distillate. All my carts are from shatter or diamonds+HTE spun off the diamonds

Most of my carts will not move at room at temp they are so thick. I have tried many diff carts including ceramic and all glass and hands down the cart that handles the thickest mix and doesn’t clog is from @Liam84
I have had problems in the past with fats and waxes clogging but now I freeze down to -76c and run super cold and I do not pick up much undesirables. Fresh frozen runs are the best.


Thanks, man@Baked-All-Day now, the cart which you brutally “murdered” can finally RIP. :upside_down_face:


Liam, if the oil is very thick how is the cart going to help that? what would yours do differently to the SPRK ones I am using right now? Because if I buy some I am going to try them and I am so sick of losing precious shatter :frowning: hehe @Liam84

The secret sauce is the dual coil. Only cart in existence with a dual coil at the moment.


The shit has to reach the coils to work. I really want to know how the carts aid the thicker oil - because fuck no way I am touching Diluents without knowing exactly what’s in them

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Mr. @lexiiii121 If it is for personal use, not for a business project, maybe you could contact @Curious_Roberto who has some stock of my product he is selling.

We have more oil intake holes or bigger oil intake holes, and they are irregular shaped. We heat up and hold oil better(from leaking), I guess that is why @Baked-All-Day liked my chubby carts.

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Pardon me - I didn’t know how it was all being distributed. It’s personal use, my apologies, but since I have you here;

So it’s mainly larger inlets? Larger inlets help a lot. And @Baked-All-Day you’re finding thicker oils work well with the larger parts? How thick are we talking here?

@Curious_Minerif you have a website that would be lovely. Also international shipping - we australians do enjoy a dab or two.

Like Liam said, I got some to sell for small guys like us.

2.50 a pop, plus shipping. I’d prefer to sell em in 10 packs, but if you want I’ll sell ya whatever.