Hows Its Made: Future4200

Hi guys, Ive always wondered what this forum is built on?
Coded from the group up or forum creator like Shopify is for e-commerce ?

I dont see too much information on builtwith.
Builtwith (future4200)

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And lies, trolling, and free-floating hostility.


These sort of forums seem to be built on “cloud droplets” which more often than not seem to be fancy shell accounts more often than not. It was fun to play with. Usually seems to be linux based servers/shells with a choice of the host’s GUI or a straight CLI if you enjoy immediately visible output from commands and hate your life because if you fat finger an important command you’re screwed.

If you ever are interested in how a lot of the internet works guts-wise you will be encountering a ton of Linux which is as powerful as it can be frustrating

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any self respecting tech head loves linux and knows its the superior operating system, apple did a great job commercializing it.

if future4200 is a business how does it sustain the cost of hosting on discourse?

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Ad revenue

Everything else question-wise should get directed at @sidco or it can probably be a DM/in the site feedback chat to avoid creating a thread with a fairly obvious answer.