What’s the best way to get pucks out of jars?
The more I mess with it the more it sugars.
Any help would be greatly appreciated !
After pouring the terps off would heating on a hot plate help?
What’s the best way to get pucks out of jars?
The more I mess with it the more it sugars.
Any help would be greatly appreciated !
After pouring the terps off would heating on a hot plate help?
use one of these to poke/pry it out
or add warm pentane and the puck will liquidize for you.
Could also chill the bottom of the jar …
Poke and pry is how i do it i also will warm the glass up in a food warmer or a oven for a little to make the everything slide out easier. also here is a link to what i like to use
Butterknife works great in a pinch lol
Gently warm the bottom of the jar with a heat gun while it’s upside down.
Has anyone ever thought of putting a net in the jar before you pour ?
If the net is at the bottom and everything crystals up. Could you not then just pull the net out ?
This is a wild idea of the top if my head . Lol
you need a heavy duty dabber a slide it by the sides all the way around once.
the one on the right is so thick itll never bend
made by @xerists that I cant seem to finds.name. now
Was thinking about some like this (in the future obviously lol)
Ended up warming them on our slide plate and strategically removing them. Helper was going a little aggressive and was making it look like sugar.
Ended up turning out great!
Appreciate all of the help
Lots of names been changing…
But I know the guy who makes those tools really well…
I would imagine automotive picks would work quite well
Ok i went to sleep with a question and i woke up needing to take a piss, here is my solution.
Everyone is using mason jars to crystalise.
Why not use a 12" x 12" spool, capped at the base and a top cap with sight glasses and a vacuum port.
Inside place " polymer cups " to pour into, Cups can be stacked to fill the internal volume of the spool.
At the end when you want to remove the THCa, take the cups out, drain them, put them in a fridge, once chilled take out, turn upside down and hit it with something to break the crystals out.
" polymer cups "
I said this because I have just woken up and i think its the correct word to describe things like PTFE.
The idea of the cup is to be thin enough or elastic enough to take the shock after being chilled and chemically resistant as not to get dissolved by the terps.
If this is possible it would make life alot easier for people.
( My original ideal was silicon and at the end of crystalisation turn it inside out. But i know from reading about carts that this would not work )
Again this idea is coming from a person who has never crystalised THCa … Someone with a damn sight more knowledge than me needs to evaluate if this is possible lol. ( my disclaimer lol )
dip jar in hot water, it will loosen the edges. You can go in with a scoopula afterword and try to rotate the puck, if you can get it to spin freely you can turn the jar upside down on a ptfe sheet and let it flop out.
Heat bottom up
This is one of those rare occasions where someone is looking for a spoon and a spoon could literally be the answer.
I bent so many
Weak ass spoons my dude.