So what’s a good starting pressure and temperature? And how often do you creep it down to the 15 mark ? If you could pm me that would be helpful I’m super new here and not 100% on how everything works and clearly I’m super new to this whole diamonds thing we have a decent amount of equipment soooo lol
Start at 25c, you’ll be at 25psi. Don’t burp abruptly when you vent/burp it. But open the valve and vent it down to 10psi or so and close it. If you can get there sooner than later it’ll help you nucleate sooner (start growth). A few etchings in the bottom can help, that’s the rumor around the campfire. I have never used them, personally, but I do know people that make exquisite diamonds that do.
What do you mean by etchings ?
Like seed it with other diamonds ?
So doing that method will build bigger diamonds ?
Ours are just a touch bigger than sugar crystals
Is using a automatic pressure release valve a bad idea because we have one on the huge miner we built (an older collection tank ) if we can’t achieve 25 psi because we took too much gas out should we add some butane back in and start over ?
Literal etchings. Scratches. Points for the thca to grab
Oh no shit lol
Yes. Connect a hose and be careful with how fast you flood with butane. Don’t over fill. If you have a scale you can put it on you can measure how much you’re putting in, but you’d have to know how much it would hold…
I have some early stage loose ones in my miner that I can take some pictures of tomorrow
The miner we built can hold lots …
How much butane should I add to start over ?
And should I take the prv out ?
How many time a day should I bleed down to 10 and let it rise back up (if that’s what u meant)
That may help greatly thank you
One of our issues is rite now is in our shop it’s 45c lol it’s hot in there and outside
That’s too hot. I’m not starting any new diamonds until I get a grip on the temps. I have lost two jars at this point and I don’t want lose anymore
That’s all we get when we do it
From the look of that can u tell what’s going wrong ?
I cannot tell what is going on. You have to wait for the picture to upload before posting the comment. Ha ha
Oh haha I thought it uploaded instantly lol
Is it possible to use a miner with hash rosin to create thca diamonds?
If you added a hydrocarbon
We’re you able to see my pics yet ?
No. When you post the pictures is will say loading on the bottom. You have to wait till it finishes loading before you hit reply