How to pack a material column for efficiency

Use a plastic cap on the bottom like the others said, hand pack to the top and use a wooden stick or like me a baseball bat and pack it down using a rubber mallet.


I bought some flat end caps to pack my spools.

Trick of the trade :clap::+1:
I have all forgotten about this but by placing a plywood insert wich is fastened to a larger piece that doesn t go into the tube
Once packed the biomass starts to expand a little and presses out of the tube making a good seal with the gasket difficult
By packing the tube a little inward instead of at the end once expanded it reaches yust the rim of the tube
Making a clean and good seal with your gasket possible without having to chip away expanded biomass
Very handy when working with tube inserts instead of socks like I do

Quick question to piggyback one to the thread…

Would you pack different biomass differently to optimize efficiency? If you were running lbs of straight flower, would you pack any differently than if you were running trim or whole plant biomass?

I run mostly flower and I dont pack as tightly as yall do. I dont have a good reason for it though…maybe I should be packing tighter. I get 200g per foot of 3" column.

You should look into getting the flower grinded. I think they have a couple of threads talking about different companies equipment for shredding down your biomass. But fir the time being keeping the buds whole and not compressed is the best bet. To much squuezze in bud form not enought solvent hitting it.

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I just recently switched to grinding myself to try it out, last run I was able to put 118g in a 12" 1.5 spool.

I’m sure bigger grinders mulch stems too, but I grinded through a mesh sieve and removed 14g of little stem bits.

I was usually able to stuff about 85g or so previously.

I ended up getting one of these. (3" x 24", some of you with the bigger ones might not find it efficent) The wooden dowel I was using would end up getting material stuck on it and then wiping it off and stuff just felt like it was splintering after a while. I don’t feel wood is good for it.

Allows for easy cleaning and even packing.

I screwed a washer on the end of my wooden dowel for that same reason. Works ok.


Yall misunderstood. I freeze them with dry ice and pulverize them. I’m not dropping colas in a tube. I have a packing tool machined .030 under my tube ID. I’m not completely in the dark. Let me phrase this differently.

If your biomass was 20+% target compound, would you pack it differently than if it was 5%?

If you ran kief would you still pack to the same density?

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I was a little confused how only 200g fit in there. My bad.

I never tired kief personally, but I’ve read people have had problems before with clogs running kief, so any packing would be problematic I would say.

Buds or trim, I’d say procedure is the same, as long as the solvent can wash all the material, I don’t see that there would be any difference with those.

I’ve had this problem from time to time, but only if the column starts to lean during packing. Getting all wild with the packing. Haha

200g per 12 inches is what I can get into my 3"

In general 20% biomass i treat diffrent
For it is mostly flower
I freeze a few kilo s then crumble once frozen then pack lightly
Reason beeing I want to get all off in the first wash and 20% for me to get off
Most must soak and use more solvent than normal 1:10

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Kief is a diffrent method
To avoid clogging i pack in layers of kief and ss scrubies almost 1:1
If not I get serious clogging isseus
Glass marvels or small ball bearings also work well but are more work to retrieve from the spend biomass

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I use a stick, 2” round. Pack the crap out of it, tap after every lbs or so. If you’re worried about blowouts, just have a second filter trap before the collection chamber. I have like 4. You’ll need nitro if it’s real tight. 6”x48” can pack 6-7lbs. If your savvy, you can incorporate a crc along the process. Good luck and cheers!

Thanks, just got the CRC from BVV. My yields came out way low using their tech. I only used a 1:5 biomass to solvent ratio. Thinking of doing 1:10 next time. My dam filter must of blown out on the CRC because there is little bits of white powder shit in my extract. I’m ging to do another post on the sop and get some feedback from the GLG!

happy friday :slight_smile:

I would suggest to solvent wash your extracts with ethanol and filter out your white speck extracts.

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What he said. Might as well winterize it

Bvv had weakest design for crc. Better option is @Killa12345 with a sintered filter


Hardware stores have heavy threaded pipe and fittings that can make a very well weighted packer for 20 bucks.

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