Thank you for having me on your site.
I am having difficulty sending messages to the Mods. My question is how do I delete my account?
I read the FAQ, used the search bar and tried my best. If anyone can be of help I appreciate it.
Thank you.
Thank you for having me on your site.
I am having difficulty sending messages to the Mods. My question is how do I delete my account?
I read the FAQ, used the search bar and tried my best. If anyone can be of help I appreciate it.
Thank you.
You can’t. The closest thing to that would just be the logout button
Isn’t there like a wait time after you make your account to msg?
Curious who you messaged / how you tried to contact mods. Any way I can make it easier to contact us would be better for everyone.
We can “anonymize” your account, and remove any posts that contain Personally-Identifiable-Information (PII). All your posts remain, but your username is changed to anon123456 (some series of numbers) If all members remove themselves from PMs they will automatically disappear and be purged from backups after ~month.
I clicked on the link and sent a message to the MODs listed. But when clicking on the message icon, there is no record of me sending messages. I sent a message to you directly about this topic, as well as @Future and @Sidco_Sunny. And also asked @KnowledgeSeth.
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @KnowledgeSeth display help
See how the screenshot you sent me has anon604201198, that’s what happens when I anonymize the account.
That would be wonderful, thank you!
This is the only information I could find. I then used the search bar to see if others knew how to delete.
This is a public forum, consider all posts public. If you want to stop posting here, stop posting here.
Why you leaving??
Thank you providing this as an option.
No longer working for SRI I’d guess.
Realized you are referring to something different. Below is RE: anon account
It works great, they just made a second account and started over. The steps to anon an account are still the same.
p.s. the newest PMs were send less than 2 hours from the time this post was created.
She is the owners daughter… that would be awkward
Shows what I know
She said she found her original account password so maybe she wants to use that acct now.
I think we need to address a much more important problem.
How do you delete someone else’s account?
A few of you need to go…
Wes’ account was deleted from the forum so it is possible.