If you buy equipment from us, all that is included in the price. If you’re wondering because someone wants you to do that, I would charge an hourly rate of 150 dollars with a deposit that’s about 50 percent of your estimated hours which all goes to the total billable hours at final billing
Thank you @GreenMachine_Consult for your reply. I’m looking for what others would charge as the people I’m working the consult for have made comments about me taking advantage of them.
I did a flat rate of 15k which I found to be fair, if not maybe even a little on the cheap side. Without going into hourly rates, would you find that fair?
I wholesale the equipment to them and charge $175 an hour to get it up and installed and staff trained on operations- 50 hours on the most recent, so a little more than $1000 a day
I guess I should add that I started this project and bid it 6 months ago when a lot less people knew how to make these products. Around that time a good friend of mine was charging 4-6000 for isolation consultation.
A fair price is what the client is willing to pay for your knowledge. They’re not just paying for your time, they’re paying for the years of work it took to learn everything you know. If you’re happy and the client is happy you’re charging a fair price imo.
Never discount your time and experience. If you are top notch and perform well it should be worth a great deal to the client. Don’t let people make you feel your charging too much. After you’re finished they will make a ton of money. This isn’t a cheap business to get into. How can you put a price on knowledge. If they knew it. You wouldn’t be there.
Fair enough. My thought going into it is the skills and knowledge going into it are very valuable considering not many know how to accomplish this correctly and at scale. Another person could spend a lot more of their money on things that aren’t needed, do the job poorly and result in lack of revenue when up and running. Getting to the end of this, I’ve procured the equipment to run about 600 lbs per shift now, with extraction capacity at 1000 lbs per shift. Until they earn some revenue, they aren’t willing to upgrade the rest of the lab to keep up with 1000 lbs a day, which is fine with me.
That being said, I’ve always felt my part in the project is worth 15k. I mean, they’re looking at making 20k a day at least if they just want to sell isolate and I’ve pushed them to sell as much t free distillate in it’s place to earn way more than that. I just feel like they don’t understand the value and think I charged them way more than it’s worth because, well, they’re growers and think they have the most valuable skill set on the planet (lmao)
Thanks again for all the responses. If I was making the equipment and selling them, I think 150-175 an hour is more than fair as I’ve seen some companies charge a lot more than that. Being the consultant charge being my main fee, I feel like what I’ve done is great for them. The reason I came here to ask is because I’ve gathered quotes from other consultants who said they would charge a lot more and I wanted to get more documented responses from consultants. I want to take these responses back to them and let them know they aren’t getting ripped off because I’m tired of the comments and them feeling like I’ve taken advantage. @potguru1 I feel like when they’re folding the bank rolls, they’ll feel different about it.
No. I only charge for onsite hours- the hours spent making the bid and pitching the sale are on me, and it definitely can take some time to finalize a gig. Plan accordingly
This is great stuff guys. It’s a delicate balance even more so when your a part of the buisness. You know something about not paying for the cow when the milk is free. I told them last week people charge thousands or even 10s of thousands of dollars for the responsibility I’ve recently been tasked.
They offered me a position to build it and then run it and I told them I wasn’t down because I wanted them to pay me for my knowledge and then hire me for the position because I’m a good fit for the job which eliminates the possibility of hiring me, learning and then firing me which I’ve seen all too often.
That being said, they offered me only 40k for that position which I thought was laughable.
What would be considered a good salary to manage the size lab or what are you guys seeing? That was another question I wanted to ask. Based out of oregon
40 to run a lab?! Man that’s not much at all. Yeah I mean I totally get why lots of the big timers will only offer consult for a slice of the pie. 40k is a joke I’m sorry but after a year theyll make that in a day… so you made the right call. Fucking clowns all wanna be spoon fed millions and millions of dollars (typically from those of us who risked our freedom for years or decades) then wont even offer enough to support our families.
The entire point of a consult is to hit the ground running. The owners save potentially years of trial and error with one small time investment… so really the question is how.much time are they willing to waste doing things inefficiently.or just wrong all together and even possibly injure someone because of their arrogance and ignorance
Yeah I laughed. I found another job starting at 20 an hour (which comes out to around 40 a year) but with next to no responsibility outside of production. I’m going to use that as a bargaining chip for a higher wage. If they don’t want to pay me well, I’ll just work my way up where I’m at. Plenty of opportunity for future positions there anyways. I thought 50-60 was reasonable for a full time manager and operator although last year I worked at a hemp lab doing 100 lbs a day biomass at 75 a year. Seems like wages have dropped off quite a bit though
@Siosis That’s also including designing their lab and finding them equipment including the hazardous location needed.
Worth mentioning again, this was also bid out 6 months ago when not many knew how to make t free distillate and the consults quotes I had generated from others was around 4-6k just for isolate. At this point, a lot more people know how to make t free distillate and isolate so if I had to do it again id probably charge around 200 an hour. That being said, I’ve also changed the lab to run 600 lbs a shift, 1000 at maximum extraction capacity but they aren’t ready to upgrade their equipment to do that in a day.
Shit, even if they had the design in mind and had equipment I probably would’ve been happy taking 200 an hour just to teach SOPs but they had nothing when I started. The whole plan was created by me and I felt with that much responsibility, I should make more than just what I’m teaching them in the lab