How much Solvent per pound of cannabis

Im trying to do my job better and learn a few things. What is the optimum amount of solvent to add per pound of cannabis when extracting oil.


3:1 to 10:1 depending on your temperature and material quality

edit: solvent type and system help us answer better


Thank you . I’m running ISO and I try to keep my heating coils around 84.

5 is good
10 is better


Thank you. I pack socks and put them into a 4ft column. Will making sure my material is ground up make a difference of the type of yield I get?

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Honestly depends on what your running… anywhere from 3 to 10 depending on material …

Who actually runs 10:1? I’ve always ran chilled tane at 4-5:1 and I’ve gotten amazing results

5:1 for live resin and 10:1 for dry

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Ive always used a full tank per run. Maybe its not always completely full but my collection holds a full tank.

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Run it till it turns clear :man_shrugging:


I do regularly. Fire material often takes a little more solvent when running cold cold…compared to say…shit material.


see: Solvent to Biomass Ratio for previous exploration…

or Fresh frozen solvent ratios if you’re into that sort of thing :wink:


Variations are endless. Depending on your application and goal ultimately :innocent:


I did a run yesterday, ran the whole tank but It wasnt full. GOt a yield tht i havent weighed. I emptied the 2 lb 18 x 4 tube and refilled and ran warm today for gummies. It looks like i got a decent yield again. ill try and weigh both tomorrow.


Thumpers a g

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Just to be clear, it seems like the common consensus is a 10:1 ratio for wer and 5:1 to maybe 7:1 for dry? Is the reason we are not doing 10:1 on dry because of the loss that happens? Or would more be better for dry?

8:1 dry

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I thought 8:1 was the bho standard and 10:1 the eho standard

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I think you would want to grind it up to expose the most surface area and allow the solvent to easily flow out of the material. Though I am exposed to CO2 extraction.

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Also a great way to pull chlorophyll and fat.

Break your bio up when it’s cold and brittle. Fuck grinding

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