How do I prevent getting distillate in the waste side

No problems at all. I love to see the seeds I planted on this website pop up. Especially since I don’t use my own SOPs anymore as I continue my dissent into sales, I appreciate that they are still helping someone somewhere


Make a step by step so we can all level up

The pump is a nominal 1750 rpm. Most VFD will let you overclock to 90Hz without batting an eye.

So technically you can manage 2600rpm fairly easily (almost certainly not a great idea in this case).

If you really get jiggy with them (lie to them) you can manage faster.


I will say that chemtech has their settings to save you time and money on shear pins and plate rebuilds. You can get it to go faster but usually at the cost of parts. Turn it on a few degrees too cool one day and that thing will be flattened.


for those that like to track/predict distillation. Keep in mind nomograph’s are rig specific.
Basically it lets you find the temp based on the current vac (based off best run etc.)


That is incorrect

All chemtechs use the same pump and motor they just limit the rpms on the vfd

Jayinyourcity on IG who is chemtechs installer told me this and hacked the vfd of a chemtech I worked on while I was there so I know

Unfortunately I didn’t see how he hacked the vfd

That kd6 would do like 15 an hour maxed out

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It’s not a vfd hack it’s just a reprogram. There’s a few hundred settings.

You go to the number, hit enter, and put the new setting in which is usually 1-4 but sometimes can be higher numbers for rpm, torque etc.

I actually have the settings for a reprogram let me finish my breakfast and blunt and we’ll dig it up.


And all vfds work by altering 60hz wiggly to some other frequency.

90Hz max is industry standard.

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I’m pretty sure it’s password protected though

That’s why people just replace it to get the speed they want

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On a plc maybe, but not the standard dart drives

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You don’t want to run any less than 20% of motor operating rpm though correct?

Not a hack if you don’t need to get past something

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Why do people replace them instead of just changing the settings then?

I love this type of discussion. We all learn

Idk are we talking about the feed plate, torque motor or vfd?


I’ve ran 5 different chemtechs at this point so


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The dart vfd

Most people who I know that run fast replaced that thing instead of changing it

Which begs the question why?

Because they are reading the WFE manual not the VFD manual would be my best guess.

There is a “reset” button on most. Which will fuck your shit if you don’t know where you started, but I’ve certainly used that function to gain control


Hmm idk never seen that myself. I think those darts can be quite annoying but I’ve never replaced one (to a non stock one) 4 minutes and I’ll find the reprogram sheet


I’m running terp strip right now. We’ve had ours for 2.5 years and it gets used all day every day 16 to 20 hours a day. I like the skid. There are some things I’d change, but it does the job and is relatively reliable