How did the thread Graywolf started that someone kept changing the title disappear?

I will not let this rest until I get answers so if they think ignoring this will make it go away I can assure everyone reading this it will not. I even screen shot it in case it disappears from Google

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Threads here are NOT supposed to be deleted like this, or unlisted even imo, echo chamber at worst.


but I’ll do it again ^^

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Sarcasm. I has no powa

Idk who or how the thread went poof.

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I just hope the top guy is honest about it once he finds out. I have asked @Graywolf many times and he wont answer. If I started a thread that was deleted I would wanna know why. Wouldn’t you? The fact that he wont answer makes think he knows.

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Just to stop this charade, I didn’t answer your question because I had no more idea what happened to my thread than I did who changed the title twice or how they were suddenly flagged out.

I don’t play dishonest games that I can’t win at, so I decided there was nothing more positive that I could add and no reason to preach to the choir or to stone walls.

While I have no control over the childish games some folks play, I do have a choice of whether I participate.

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On to the next topic! He doesn’t know either womp womp womppppp

Thanks for the reply. I do appreciate it.
BTW I can tell you are extremely educated and intelligent by your posts. You are clearly a wordsmith. I am the opposite.

What happened to the thumper thread?


I looked in the EC and looked to see if it just had a title change and nothing. Looks like it vanished?

Damn I’m losing stats. I lost a “good reply” badge this time

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More shenanigans…

Then they will say it’s been there the whole time and the title has only been changed…