How cold is cold enough? (BHO)

At 120 psi propane is at 75 degrees f. Interesting to hear it would exclude fats

You can lower solubility by upping the pressure and mimic what happens when the solvent is cold except in this case you’ll have both liquid and vapor thus increasing extraction efficiency


I saw that, and it makes sense as a vapor is less dense. It’s just interesting :thinking: have you tried this yet?

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Been doing this for a bit now. That’s why I preach no chiller is required


So you’re pumping in N2 to raise its pressure to crash out the fats?

I haven’t read the patent yet just the little blurb of the photo

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Fats you can get away with running warm but gums is a different story. Using s60 or magsil is also against my preference when your molesting your terps. One of the most critical points other then temperature is time. Ive ran at -112 -70 -40 -20, and warm… as long as your not carrying gums over your remediation and purification process will make anything look proper until time passes on and inactives show themselves as present. Cold and fast is best. Cold for extended periods of time creates the opportunity for seperation. Everything is relative to the end product your seeking to “concentrate”!


I agree silica60 is not made for degumming and can have some negative side effects but gums are fairly easy to remove with the right sorbents without affecting the terp profile


Silica is great for degumming especially magsil Whatever other media you use will impact taste the same as using silicates will ! Hope your having an awesome morning and have a great day ahead of you !

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Yes you’re right silica is great however silica60 is more optimized for chromatography. There are other silicas out there that are optimized for degumming. And thank you sir hope you’re having a great day as well :muscle:t3:


Would then a 2” column work even better then? I’ve misunderstood otherwise

Yes, it would. But you run into potential back pressure issues. (Needing too much pressure to push through the column) its all about finding that sweet spot. 2" starts to raise above 100psi usually around a 12" tall pack.

A 3 or a 4" can usually go a little higher than a foot packing without running into issues.

That much media, maxing out a 4"x12", is far over 400g or 500g’s and IDK wtf sized columns you’re running to need that much media.

I always use least amount needed, in a 3" crc column.

4" > 6" ?

i use between 400-800 grams of powder in my crc columns it’s nice being able to do 6-12 runs with out changing out crc everytime

I usually put my tank in a dry ice and either acetone or isopropyl slurry and wait for it to get to 0psi then I take the tank off the slurry and wait 30mins. Then I take 98°f water and place the tank in it and then open the tank slowly. I usually just kind of hope for the best when it comes to making sure the solvent is cold, It seems to work well enough.

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I run about 7% media to material ratio and running 16-24 columns a time and never swapping out the crc. Anything over 24 columns i need to T in a 2nd crc column to avoid a possible clog. No clogs with media bros or lustermax only really b80.


Would that not translate over to being beneficial to blast in smaller columns then? Not just crc

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Why would you put the tank back in warm water? I get it but try not doing that. I’d prefer to add a higher pressure solvent like iso or propane


If N2 isn’t an option, you’d be better off leaving the tank ambient temp and using coils for injection.


Using the same tank for warm vapor push in a way ig. It’s only for like a split second that I put it in the warm water because my collection is already under vacuum and on a dry ice isopropyl slurry before I start the injection. Once the solvent flows through the column I take the tank off the water bath which again takes like a split second.

I am working on getting an injection coil. :octopus:

If you can afford the chiller investment definitely going to safe yourself on CO2 costs in the long run they add up quick. Also I think they have better temperature control if it’s sized correctly. A buddy and myself imploded a jacketed 120 lb recovery tank using CO2 to chill it from a PRV failing so there’s also a safety aspect running the chiller