I have an update on the clear/honey cut that has been such a big topic on this forum. After speaking with a few different manufacturers its been determined that it is a vitamin blend.
4 of the 4 manufacturers I spoke with disclosed vitamin blend. Now either its a huge nationwide conspiracy and all these guys are working together… very slight possibility, or thats actually what it is. Is that really so far fetched that its a vitamin blend?
@DistributorMichael yeah, I’m always grumpy when people make uneducated choices about others’ health. I’m sure this “vitamin blend” is totally safe to inhale.
For the sake of transparency, that last sentence was satire.
Let’s say this actually is a vitamin blend like they all stated. Would you rather inhale a vitamin blend, or pg/vg/mct? If you have a better suggestion I am completely open.
And before “dont cut” get’s stated, how would you recommend diluting broad spectrum cbd that tests at 99.8% total cannabinoids down to 30%?
Hopefully by next week I can answer that question for you. This post was simply an update. It’s more information that wasnt previously talked about on this forum