We use 6 inches wiped film equipment for distillation.
Is any temperature set for high potency?
There is no specific temperature for high potency as this varies from rig to rig depending on your gear, but generally if you are able to run under 160c on your WFE you’re most likely going to hit decent numbers if you know what you’re doing.
Starting material matters too. If you have a lot of CBD or CBx compounds in there they will most likely co-distill and bring your THC % down.
By the way any parameters for Condenser temperature
True! However we could concentrate thc from low yield thc.
Still body temperature, I would say anywhere from 156 - 180 C depending on your vacuum level, feed rate, and whether its stainless steel or glass. It seems to me that I have to run the glass bodies a little bit hotter than steel.
Internal condenser temperature is not super important, if you degassed and terp-stripped your material thoroughly. However, I like to run my internal condenser just below the temperature that is too hot for cannabinoids to condense on(hot condenser tek in wipedfilm?). Which usually seems to be about 110.
My parameters change with every batch. I run a glass spinning band unit and set my parameters based on how the material flows down the evaporator column. I try to get the best color that I can without sacrificing to much product to the residue side. I generally start at 160 evaporator, 80 on the condensor and a feed temp of 80. Wipe speed and feed rate always vary for the most efficient disty color/residue ratio. I can use the same parameters on two different batchs and the final color can vary greatly while still turning out THC #'s in the 90’s with total canabinoids a few %'s higher.
Are those two different batches the same material(strain, age, growing conditions, etc)? Wondering for science.
Ethanol 200 proof -45 C extraction 100lbs plant material 65 gallon
2 stages PIG filter with 8 micron activated charcoal and bentonite clay
55 C rotorvape recovery
Decarb with mixer 240F
1 pass with SPD 180C
2 pass with WPD 180 with 65
No. But I deal in mostly assorted trim so there are always differences from winterization products, decarb times first pass terp/volatile removal and final (polish) distillation.
BTW we do only BHO.
Is decarb under vacuum? Why not just decarb in short path? Your extraction and pre-processing look fine to me although if you could chill the ethanol more that would be advisable. In that case doing a proper terp strip and minimizing heat exposure(I.E. in the Decarb and SPD) are probably the most important factors to getting the highest potency available.
You are 100 % right.
Decade with no vacuum : avoid big reaction on 20 liters flask beginning time.
We do 15 liters winterized crude per one batch.
So you don’t decarb with a vacuum because you want to avoid a vicious boiling at the start. I don’t have hard imperical proof but decarbing under vacuum probably increases d9-thc potency by half a percent to a percent from degradation. Again, just a guess from personal experience with nothing but a few data points and thousands of hours of making distillate. I would really like to do a side-by-side now.
Why not decarb and degas in the roto?