HIA announced its position that all hemp-derived cannabinoids are Federally legal, Including Delta-8 THC

Wesleys friend made 10 kilos of it with his sop



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Ingredients don’t make the sop and even I know that. Granted talented tinkerers like yourself can make their own off a small wiff

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My condolences for the extra chromosome. Nowhere in anything that you posted states that Delta-8 is biosynthesized lol. You won’t find any peer-reviewed literature indicating that it does either. That’s because it’s an ARTIFACT OF DEGRADATION.

Pick up a fucking textbook.:crazy_face:

This is the actual document the FEDS reference, not whatever you’re posting

Keep arguing all you want it’s been proven cannabis and hemp make small amounts of d8

Wrong again!

Shall I find the exact exerts?

I’m sorry you were dropped on your head as a baby and can’t read

You have to be kidding me. Holy shit you are clueless. Please explain how “occurs” means that the plant biosynthesizes it lol?

Are you completely out of your mind?

An artifact of degradation has nothing to do with biosynthesis. One is formed by the plant, while the other is a result of external factors.

Again… pick up a textbook.

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I’ve got some coas with d8 in d9.

I haven’t seen it on a hemp coa but I don’t see as many of those.

But even in the restek d9 standard there is a bump of d8 so I’m not so sure the d8 in the d9 is the actual sample or how the standard is


The fact they call them MINOR CANNABINOIDS

Which are found in the plant


patel2017.pdf (767.8 KB)

Here’s the peer reviewed study where they test a shit ton of flower and detect d8 in most of the samples

Your IQ is really starting to show

I know this is hard to accept, it’s facts though

But you can not say whether it was biosynthesized or isomerized. I am still not convinced that cannabis produces D8. My gut tells me that environmental conditions are isomerizing small amounts of D9 or some other minor cannabinoid.


Lovely shit show thread we have here.

My stupid idiot input: frankly neither of the squabblers here are going to make any progress in convincing others. I have my hunch on who might be more correct when the issue inevitably goes before a court of law in the future, but that shall be kept to myself. I could see both arguments holding some weight in that respect.

What I will say is you’re both being dipshits but clearly with knowledge within your claimed fields. Neither are idiots in that respect. Such insults in arguments do nothing but hurt the credibility of the insulter and drag discussion down the drain.


Your instincts would be spot on. I can link you to numerous peer-reviewed studies that (all) come to the same conclusion. D8 is not biosynthesized. It’s a result of D9 decomposition.

Unfortunately, trying to explain this to certain people with no clue how to comprehend scientific data, is akin to having a conversation with a box of rocks.

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Cbn isn’t naturally occuring but is a minor cannabinoid, if it was environmental factors then it would still be considered a minor since it’s naturally occuring due to the environment

I doubt this is the case though

Enzyme synthesis are never perfect, even the cbd a synthase makes some thc

Why couldn’t the thc a synthase make d8?

You didn’t read that paper I posted obviously because it proves you wrong once again


Hey @moveweight got any popcorn left?

Edit: nvm found some in the cabinet, we good. Probably shouldn’t be shitting things up more than they already were in any case, though it can be fun.

Yes I agree. This isn’t normally the way I post, but something about this guy in particular, struck a nerve. My apologies. From here on out, I am reverting to science only. Thanks for the wake up call.


I love not being in the arguement. Can’t wait till my hemp derived viagra comes to market……

Hard dicks for everyone!


CBN is a product of degradation with D9 and synthesized from CBD. I don’t know that I agree with you, again (surprise, surprise). We’ve had this conversation before. We more or less agreed to disagree. Not trying to hash it out again. We’ve done that in a few threads. You and @bio_stimz are doing fine.


I hope you have alot of articles to match my peer-reviewed scientifically-validated literature. But first you’ll need to learn the difference between biosynthesis and something that can simply be quantified.

We are right in the midsts of growing season. Take a few plants as a control group and a few for experimentation. Do hemp and cannabis.

Take the ones for experimentation and slowly drop the PH of the soil over the last 2 weeks (1 ph towards acidic every 3 days), then flush with neutral water before harvest.

There’s your answer if it’s naturally occurring in either cannabis or hemp.

Edit: @Kingofthekush420 ever get that email sent? :wink: