Here's a pod coming soon

There’s a head shop/vape shop near me, if you look at the ground outside, there’s at least 20 disposables thrown all over the place. People are such assholes!


The batteries inside them are the worst part

Is that the work around for the new vape laws? No 510 thread and you are on the clear?

What about pax pods?

And what about juuls?


We really shouldn’t underestimate how a majority of company’s care about nothing but the bottom line. Along with consumers caring about nothing but convenience.

I have tried so many times to explain to customers that the disposables are not the way to go for a few different reasons (as I’m
sure some of you guys have too) and had the same customers come into the shop week after week for 10-20-30 disposables instead of getting a battery and carts. How unintelligent do you have to be to not be able to screw off a damn cart and charge a battery. It’s a sign of the times we are living in. :man_facepalming:

Even if each disposable was the size of a baseball bat and was being chucked into the ocean in a bay of baby dolphins once finished I doubt the company’s making them or braindead consumers would care


That Luke Skywalker on they ass


You made your bartender disappear tho


he killed all the yuenglings


In fact, there is nothing wrong with merchandises.
Supply and demand derivative products.
A person kills someone with a kitchen knife, should we blame the person who produced and sold it or should we blame the murderer?
Perhaps we should look at the problem objectively.

Your suggestion sounds good, but I think we need to look at one thing objectively, the market supply and demand relationship leads to the derivative products, the manufacturing side and the consumer side all need to work together, I think the product will develop in the direction of environmental protection.

Honestly, it is!
For manufacturers, the cost of disposable products with batteries is increased and the manufacturing is complicated. However, we should know that market demand determines supply. We can only gradually improve the impact of products on society and the environment on the premise of meeting consumer demand as much as possible.

False equivalence. This case would be similar to if the knife producer designed knives to make it easier to get away with murder and we absolutely blame you, the suppliers, for pushing that garbage in the first place. That was a solution to a problem no one had.


Dude, don’t get me wrong. The point I want to express is that a lot of things have two sides, we need to look at everything objectively.
We can’t deny the advantages of a product, but also admit the disadvantages of a product.
We need to refine and improve the product as it evolves and that’s enough. doesn’t it make sense?

No, because my groundwater doesn’t care about your economics. Go push your junk where it is wanted


well,well,well.As long as you’re happy, whatever you want to say :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

I find these fucking things all over the ground outside the vape shop I work at. No one’s even putting them in a garbage-bin, let alone recycling them.

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if possible pls PM me which Chinese company you are getting these from. I could help you to find out if it is the same. as I am the engineer who designed this together with woken tech.

Everyone throwing stones in this thread should be living a :100:% plastic free life and using only recycled goods. If not, all your doing is breaking your own windows.


I recycle all my plastic sir. I also dont throw batteries in the ocean, bit there are those that enjoy the pasttime


Wtf throws car batteries in the FN ocean? The salvage yards will buy it for 5-10.00.

I never seen. A car battery where I lived on the gulf side (Hudson beach dow to st. Pete beach)


It’s a “safe a legal thrill”