I ended up selling the unit. I was using a super c extractor to test the results before I bought something bigger. I’d recommend using a 5L extractor if funds are available. 5# batches aren’t possible with that unit unless you spend days processing, but it’s just not worthwhile.
5L extractor like the same as you would use for BHO?
No like a 5L Apeks Supercritical. Unless you wanted to design a system.
I’m gonna put together a system with triclamps
a- seems like you just need a nice supercritical backflow regulator and you can hit terp pressures safely with a 4in triclamp spool and heavy duty clamps.
4foot triclamp costs about $100 and holds roughly 2.5gal of volume - a packing/unpacking rod is easy to fab- seems extremely easy to put together cheaply.
Total cost for this whole system can’t be more than a grand
As a general rule, I would use appropriate steel and design the vessels to be rated to twice or even three times the strength of the pressure being used. Verifying the structural integrity of the welds is also important to ensure that they are uniform and have sufficient penetration. Pressure relief valves are a must. Also you will need a booster pump to increase the pressure if you plan on reaching 1400-1500 psi. Seals get eaten up frequently in misappropriated oxygen pumps so it important to buy a pump from Cat or relative quality manufacturer designed for CO2 use. It will definitely cost more than a grand to build a system with good repeatability. Also for terpene collection you may want to use jacked collection vessels.
PM me! Please and thank you
Hemp is cannabis. The only difference between hemp and marijuana is the THC/CBD content. CBD being the most dominant cannabinoid in hemp and THC being the most dominant in marijuana.
Nope but regarding terps
Cannabis have been bred for thc content and flavor since the 1970 s
Hemp has only recently been bred for high cbd and flavor
Hemp has not been perfected yet in flavors
Hemp was bred from cannabis no?
Hmm evolution moves in misterious ways
In nature most cannabis is found at elevated hights 2000 m+
And hemp at lower hights
IT seems that the light spectrum at ellevated hights creates cannabis
Hemp is very similar but not the same
THCa production is a response to UV exposure, specifically. Higher elevations + closer to the equator. THCa rich trichomes are basically the plant’s sunscreen
Curious if there are still terps available!
If you’re removing terps after decarb your’e boiling out a lot of the fragile terps that have the most value. However, I know there are ways to clean up the terps you have to make them usable - although it wouldn’t be “cherry wine” anymore - it would be a new creation.
Do you still have these.
I’m interested. Can I get some bud
This happens frequently to me. When I introduce cannabis terpenes into (THC) distillate I commonly see a change in the distillate color. It goes pink, peach or even gets clearer sometimes. This goes for both water clear and yellow hue distillate.
Waterclear d8 or d9 ?
water clear ∆9
Nice so whats the basis to achieve this
Crc teck crude
Absorbent in boiling flask that does not cause isomerization
Or another teck you are about to tell us all about