Hello friend! Have you give regulars more rights?

I get about 6 months in before they start investigating…

We are talking about this (sorta) in 4200 Non-profit: Starting a 501(c)3 for the community. Help Needed to collect money. That is why I am leaning for this particular solution, a community member pay the dev directly for the change to go upstream. Upstream can also be "components and plugins’, that would be easier than core.


How are you handling deposits?

Take cash and turn into money orders / checks to deposit.

I’m upfront about my customer base.

As an ancillary, we are providing shovels.

shit ill talk to my sister, she know about those business things. sounds like it would be a good idea

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he would have an ally to talk shit on me… LOL


They mad our businesses run out of our house/garage :man_shrugging:t3:


we just learned family and time are the most valuable possessions…the rest is materialistic shit


All good. Just seemed like it was, as I’m the only one who is far less active than the rest.

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No Sir, not at all, and I apologize for it looking like anything it wasn’t

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So what does it take to actually lose that level 3?

Lots of flags. Not visiting enough. Not reading enough threads.

I meant the level 3 slangers

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Have less than 50 customers

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