Hello so my freeze dryer is shutting off when it get down to 400 Mtorr it seems like there is something that is causing a draw in power causing the 20 amp breaker to flip. When it flips the machine needs about 24 hours to turn back on… running the freeze cycle does not trigger the machine to fail, only when it has pulled full vaccine is it deciding to kick off. I have troubleshooted the breaker by installing a new one with no success, the outlet is brand new and on a dedicated circuit with nothing else plugged in, I made sure that the proper size wire is being used. I was hoping by running the pump on a separate circuit would fit my problem but I am still facing the same issue. I have only ran the machine 3 times and our chair new. Harvest rights customer survive took a week to respond so I thought it’s a shot in the dark but maybe if I make a post on here someone can help me resolve my issue. A reward will be given to anyone who is able to get my machine running, hopefully soon! There has been nothing but gentle care when moving my machine and I store it inside so I don’t think it is damaged. I think maybe a fuse or something or perhaps it is the outlet shorting out, whatever this problem is it must be common. There can’t be too many things causing this and I would love help trouble shooting. Could it be a fried power receptacle? Or maybe the main power harness burnt out? Could it be firmware related? I’m using is a medium pharma unit running on operating system 4.0.56 please help
Time to call that warranty dept
I am currently waiting on their response but since it took them a week for them to respond to my initial email, and I just responded to them, I’m figuring it will take a few days for them to get back to me and the sooner I can get this resolved the better. I have lbs of hash sitting in my freezer right now and I’m worried about it degrading
Well definitely try another receptacle, preferably on another circuit. HR’s customer service is shit, they didn’t warranty my pump which burned out on second use.
It’s not hash, it’s apples. They serve other industries before us.
Are these pumps rebuild able? I might start searching for broken harvest rights if there are common but fixable defects.
Ok 1st step is to put the machine on a quality surge protector. Second see if you can find any other appliances on your breaker and shut them off. Do u need 30 amps?
Get the hash into a chest freezer or dry ice to save its life
I cannot find a surge protector/ amperage meter that my machine will plug into. It has a 20amp type outlet it looks like a 220 except the the horizontal pin is on the left rather than the right.
The hash is sitting in my deep freezer and is very frozen but it’s been in there for almost 2 weeks at this point and I know oxidation causes Color degradation, the whole idea of using the freeze dryer is to avoid such a thing. The sooner this is resolved the sooner I can empty my 5 freezers, several of which I borrowed and my friends whom need back. I really appreciate the responses and am wishing everyone a happy holiday
240 vac NEMA 6-20
Try looking for a surge protector for that. I think that’s your plug.
Good luck happy new year
Ok, i have a rec lab we wrangle these beasts all the time. First thing i did was cut iff the plug and installed a standard one. The manual also says to plug directly into outlet(ive had surge supperssor/power strip issues).im also an electrical contractor so im spekaing from experience here. Now get a good 12g extension cord and try a different outlet. It’s possible the integrity of that dedicated outlet or breaker may be compromised. You could get a clamp meter and read the amp draw but thats a different type of trouble shooting.
Should the different outlet work then you have resolution.
I have had two of these on 1 20a circuit with pumps and still not lost power/tripped the breaker, this was prior to installing dedicated circuits. Should using a different circuit not work then you have an internal issue,
Internal issues ive seen include the unit building ice and condensation leaking on power supplies and boards. These are covered in plastic, and sheetingbto shield it from this issue but if its been serviced or built improperly the boards may be exposed.
Ive often had to open up these uints. Dont be scared just paitient and dilligent to remove all the screws and force nothing. If it dosent remove its still being retained by screws. The top comes off then the back and sides if necessary. Once open do some inspections for water intrusion, look for evidence of condensation, water marks etc. if you remove top and back you can set it up to run while open and observe operations and possibly spot an issue. Dont touch any electronics while plugged in, use a ground strap of service is necessary.
Simply put most issues are power related, something small, like water intrusion etc. ive had bad boards and other invasive repairs. Harvest right does stand behind their products but its a process.
Any more questions please feel
Free to reach out. Merry Christmas
I would not advice you to cut or switch the plug as yet. If this freezer is new and it was bought from a distributor, use your warranty. By modifying the plug im almost certain they’ll try and void warranty, opening the unit up will prob do the same as your not a tradesman. Get approval to work on it in writing/ email from harvest right before you modify anything. Cover your ass.
You paid a green tax you should get a working product and proper customer support at the very least. Squeaky wheel gets the grease, in most of these kinds situations.
The guy above has the best advice to hook a clamp meter at the panel and check the amps it’s pulling while running. You’ll know exactly when it’s overdrawing and can figure out what stage of the process it’s in and narrow down issue. Relay that info to harvest right they should be able to get you up and running quickly.
The warranty is a non issue with the plug, the plugs replaceable cord like a computer. There is no warranty issue there. Its litteraly a $5 amazon item. But, while at home depot for the plug (get one rated at 20a)pick up a clamp meter for shits and giggles. Watch the amp draw. If your comfortable with working in a live electrical panel, put the clamp
Meter over the black/hot lead going in to the breaker. The ampy draw should be only slightly higher as the resistance from the line length creates a higher draw.
Green tax aside this man has hash to dry and freezers to empty. There is no warranty seals on the units to indicate he has or has not been inside the FD. Im suggesting opening this unit for inspection if electrical checks out nothing more. Harvest right and pure pressure operate under the assumption that once the unit leaves their factory the expenses of shipping for repair makes if a non starter. They typically use the repair onsite by end user business model.
We get these wholsale as we started a hydroponic company to lease the equipment back to
Our recreational cannabis company to aviod 280e irs tax implications associated with the rec cannabis industry not allowing write offs.
Skip the emails to harvest right and call them directly on monday, should you not resolve this today.
Harvest eight will not pick up when I call them, and their voice mail is full I have tried over and over. I moved the machine to a friends shop and it is doing the same thing at his spot. I don’t think I need a surge meter to tell me the machine is drawing too much power for whatever reason at the beginning of the dry cycle once it has reached full pressure, around 350Mtorr. I really don’t know what to do and it is really starting me get on my nerves but I’m trying to stay positive
I’m literally having the same issue. We have ours on a dedicated 20amp circuit. We even plugged the pump into another dedicated 20amp circuit to see if that was the issue and the machine did the same thing. Just shut down when the pressure got between 500-400. Our electrician thinks it’s not grounded properly but Harvest Right swears that we must not have it plugged into the correct outlet. Depending on how Harvest Right replies on Monday, we might just have our electrician take it apart. I might take it apart and check if any condensation or moisture got anywhere where it’s not supposed to. This is literally the 6th time we’ve run this machine. We’ve had no prior problems until now.
Shoot me an email if you want to keep each other up to date with what is going on. If you open yours up and could take a picture of your circuit board I would appreciate it, they send me a new wire harness and I unplugged the wires and lost the video I took of where they go and it’s quite stressful but I don’t want to guess and I can’t find a video or diagram anywhere
Processors need an alternative to Harvest Right. The product and service are just not cutting it for anyone.
Labconoco has some decent freeze driers if memory serves correctly
bigger too. I swear failed autoclaves look like a decent starting point.
Any luck figuring out what was causing the issue? Every-time I schedule a call with harvest right the blow me off.
You got your wiring harness back in?
I’m an electronics asshole - in this scenario I’d be ripping the whole casing off to check and see if there’s bare wires that could be potentially making contact and arcing. If this is the case you’ll likely find some burn marks from where the electricity physically tried jumping over internally. If you can’t find any burn marks or arcing but you see bare metal connections and don’t feel great about it i’d put a few wraps of electrical tape on it - better safe than sorry.
I have the home model so mine is a bit different than yours but I think this is something that could happen to any model. It could also be other bad internal components - seems to me SOMETHING is drawing too much power. Usually this happens when it’s working at poor efficiency, air conditioner for example. If the coils in the AC are dirty it works way harder to pull cold air thusly popping breakers like nothing.
Do you have a digital multimeter? Normally they’re a quick trip to your local home improvement store.
This is another good option to see if there is line failure by putting a lead on one end of the wire and then before/after it enters the load bearing device on the circuit to see if there’s any return voltage OR significantly lessened voltage. It’s quite the game of hide and seek but it seems like HR is giving you the shaft so I would say this is your next best option. Maybe buy a plug-in voltage meter off of amazon to see HOW high the voltage/wattage spikes are hitting to cause this failure.
I’m a hash guy too so my FD is the bane of my existence - I feel this post quite a bit my friend.
After sitting and drinking a coffee a bit this is my thoughts on it - so obviously most electronics, especially when they work in cycles will have different circuits controlling different parts of the machine. You did a good job isolating when the issue happens - Now when it kicks from ‘freeze’ to ‘dry’ mode what would make this process much easier for you is to see what pieces of hardware the machine is utilizing specifically in ‘dry’ mode since that seems to be your issue. I agree this could strongly be a grounding issue - if you know where to look though you may be able to deal with this yourself. If you can find a part breakdown and can figure out what part is working with which circuit you could give yourself a little bit of a shortcut instead of having to poke every lead coming off of the board.