Gummy thread turned Acetylation bioavailability debate

@Soxhlet invited me to join this thread…

This thread has now become silly. We all made a little cash on d8 and then we got sent on timeout by the DEA.

I said this before, here we go again, don’t go messing with people’s legitimate investment money by acting like a bro.

It’s pathetic and shows a complete disdain for how hard people fought to get CBD decriminalized.

So we go acting like a bunch of ass-clowns revisiting tired 1960s chemistry. News flash, if you want pure d9 - there’s a synthesis for that…

I’m happy to try new, greener, chemistry, bring this into the 21st century, publish it and patent it, but ffs let’s stop pretending that making any schedule 1 substance we want from CBD is protected by the farm bill.


Opinions are like assholes some of them stink

My lawyers disagree with everything you said above

Are any of you here lawyers?

Or are you just stating your option as always?

When the hemp bill was released I said hemp was no longer scheduled

I cant tell how many of you guys argued and said I was wrong

Then the DEA releases the statement youre talking about (which scared most of you) and confirmed what I’ve been saying

Just how you think its illegal I still believe its legal

If anyone wants to take a stab at it PLEASE explain the difference between a synthetic cannabinoid and a hemp derived one

They can’t mean the same thing


Chemical Synthesis -
The use of chemical reactions usually involving one or more solvents and a catalys to obtain one or several product compounds that can produce distinct chemical and medicinal applications

A type of chemical synthesis that uses chemical compounds isolated from a natural source as the starting materials to produce other novel compounds with distinct chemical and medicinal properties

made by chemical synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product.


I’m not able to PM you. Can you PM me?

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Sent check your dm

Wanted to bump this thread and update it

I’m making my own gummys now, pictured above are 2.5 ml squares with 20 MG d8 in them.

Pectin based, vegan, organic, these have about a gram and a half sugar in each which is really good for a 2.5 ML gummy.

Dm me if you’re interested in some or would like to talk about white label/gummy production or even just to buy some


I’m interested in some

@Kingofthekush420 hey can you dm me ?

Hey @kingofthekush420 can you pm me as well? I am in the bay area and run a smalltime CBD company. Looking for some good D8 gummies to add to the lineup. Thank you.

@kingofthekush hit me up bro those look nice

I made a bunch at 40 mg and they definitely get you messed up

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Please DM me. I would like to discuss purchasing D8 gummies.


I’ll be making d8 thco and d9 thc o gummys within the next couple weeks. Please reach out for a sample if you’re interested

Hhc gummys are a month out


I am curious.

What are they like?

Interested, can’t DM

Compliant d9 gummys available

These are 3.5 grams each with 10 MG d9 making them compliant

I’ll have kca results in a week or so they’re back up right now because of harvest

D9 thc o gummys will he made this week


You’ll ship those to Alabama?

Yes, they’ll be on my website also


So we just gunna drop o acetate from o no for David ?