Gummy filling machines lets go

We do way more than a 1000/hr… That’s actually laughable…
I can do more than that with the fucking ketchup bottles… :joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

I’m looking to do 5-10k in lessthan 30 min…



Miss you bub. Gonna swing thru soon enough

Been watching a lot of machines. Place looks spectacular.

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Aren’t you using gelatin?

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5 to 10k in 30 min. Wow
Thats rock star status production.
Kinda makes me rethink the value of a depositor compared to pour and scape. Im guessing clean up is minimal with pour and scrape compared to depositor?
Its nice to see these different methods compared.
With pour and scrape are the molds placed over parchment for less cleanup or ?

Iv been using mia bell bottles. The tops dont pop off when hot or squeezing hard. Always looking for better ways of doing and perfecting recipes

Diamond delight edible videos on you tube was the start of how to and i jist gather more info and tweaks to make better where i can. Still not perfected but improving every chance i get


These is no need for parchment paper. No batter gets in between the molds.
If you need a consult, it could be had.


Thanks i appreciate that. That looks very efficientt.
So im guessing having molds tight and pinned so they dont slide when doing scape over the molds ? So not losing gummie batter from gaps ?
A question would b is there the extra over flow crust doing it this method causing any prettying up.
Im sure im using wrong term

Not sure the term of the crusty overpour
Crappy pic but it shows the over flow crusty before it is cleaned up. I dont ofrten but i do get it depending on who is helping that day
I am beginning to see the efficiency in that method and prbly less hand cramps lol

There is no HALO around my gummies and your molds want work with this technique.

Yes i figured my molds would have tob replaced. I bought them cause i like the leaf but i should have done more research.
New molds would b way cheaper than a depositor and prbly save. Ton on labor
I think the leaf shape is cool but actually a harder shap to demould.


This was today with pectin and an depositor

Can’t wait to get my hands on one of these things!


lol couple months later


It took alot of modification to my recipe, but it is possible


How many molds per full hopper?

What’s the volume the hopper can hold?

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Currently it does 10 each injection and as many as you’d like in a row. Just gotta program it to the mold.

12L hopper.

He has a 80L hopper with peristaltic pump dropping the acid in at the last second into the 12L hopper. @jimmytian8 suggested a 2L buffer.

The machine was absolutely impressive. We will be buying one when our kitchen is ready.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Thumper Dumper

Wtf did I just click on


:face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:



Keep your trash in the echo chamber


Thanks! Very nice to meet you in person today.
Will invite you over once I got the 80L cooking system dial in.


Likewise dude, thanks for letting us come see it in action.


Ok 10L hopper.

@ 3.5ml per candy with a 10L hopper would be 2850 candies…

How long would it take to go through a full hopper?

Can you actually do a full hopper @ 10L? It’s not heated!

This thread is the best…

It’s going to help me kill the consulting world…lol