Without question agree with you there! Spend money where it matters
My dream for retirement, is to have your same setup just buried into the ground. Looks awesome!
I want a single ordinary shed to be the entrance qbove ground like jimmy neutron lol
You want a Breaking Bad set up?
Seen one like that, the “door” was under a giant mac tool box. Had 40 lights right under the shed
I don’t think anyone is gonna beat Fred Strunk’s cave
I seen one under an a/c unit outside that slid to a buried 40ft trailer.
Ya there pretty slick, that one actually got raided and you could watch the camera footage, they couldnt figure out how to get down there. So he only got knocked for what they could find.
I want Ted Jones silo
Was it in the woods in humboldt?
I think i saw this bust/tour on youtube when i was a kid
Theres quite a few, the one with the tool box never did, there were a few in the last decade that have been found
@BG305 I think I saw your spot by accident today, or someone else has a container city in the middle of nowhere. Real estate agent was showing us some more property. My current spot is less than a mile away. Dm me if you want to meet up for $5 burgers and beers some time. Lol
16 posts were split to a new topic: Accidental doxing banter
Are you using any kind of trellis or support systems?
Do you top or lst?
Yes and Yes. Once I get a few staple strains dialed in I will trellis but for now I hand tie. No, I do not LST as I dont have extra time but I do top as they grow. Keeps the canopy flat.
Sunday Driver in early flower is also producing trichs on the fan leaves. @AGT-50
Oh just wait until you get to the finish line!
I had another facility send me yield, mineral tissue, brix and potency data Friday at the end of the day for a strain they thought they had dialed in. I’m a humble dude, but they were singing praises for ol’ @AgTonik for the input cost.
I’ve been sharing a lot of data with our owner and CSO and they are keenly aware of the awesome things you are doing.
I can tell i have more resin production starting flower on the fan leaves and stems. I have been playing with the Silica in my tea and it seems to be doing good. I’m going to switch to the AGT-50 in my tea and Silica on another doser @ 1:128 and see how the resin production changes.
Not sure what strain this is but it seems to be frostier than the LC at about 30 days into flower. Not the best pic but you can see all the leaves on the top are frosted.
Thats some nice stacking for 30 days.
no need to bury it very soon.
smoking sundae bx at the moment. Whats the best pheno supposed to smell and look like? i got a great looking weak cookie pheno and a few more, I dont think keepers but i have another pack.