GRM TEK Color, Pesticide, Oxide and Lipid Remediation BHO/HHO/EHO

What temps? I was thinking hot methanol might do the trick

Room temp with both. I was hesitant to use methanol because I wasn’t able to isolate the magnesol from the column without mixing in some of the silica directly below the magnesol layer. :frowning: I probably should have heated up the ethanol though.

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Thank you so much for this. I am trying to design a large CRC that must be able to filter 1,000 lbs worth of ethanol extracted tincture in an 8 hour shift…any suggestions?

I will definitely be packing with the media recommended in this SOP but I figure one giant column is probably a bit of a hassle at that volume…maybe go with two smaller ones? Any advice is appreciated!

At that volume certain powders can be mixed in the. Solution and left to settle
Then siphoning of the solution treu the powders that need to be motionless ( for no other word)
Clays work well when mixed in solution so does activated carbon
Activated alumina,silica60, don t


Magsil is alkaline not acidic


Probably better off with multiple filter housings. one for each adsorbent.


That may be true but the mag-sil I use is still activated by acids.

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Do you understand the theory behind PH, magsil and PR?

I feel like if you did you wouldnt be using acid activated magsil

Magsil also grabs terpenes which is why they dont use it in CRC unless PR is your main goal


How about MagSil PR?

Mag-Sil PR is just a brand name

How much are these?

Its a registered trademark that also represents its activation properties through the name. But you knew that already.


Magsil PR has been activated at a higher temperature than ordinary magsil. Its got a different pore structure, increased surface area, and has a higher affinity for the pyrethroid family of pesticides than ordinary magsil.

Also many other pesticides. Its not the same stuff under a different name.


I think @lefties.cannabis is wondering if you sell magsil pr at $15/kg

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I don’t sell magsil PR at all because as @Shadownaught said its trademarked. I don’t know their exact porosity or particle size or activation temps, and won’t claim to, because no one is trying to steal anyone’s product. But magnesium silicate has been around for decades and plenty of suppliers have a wide range of particle size, pore size, pH and a few other variables. It’s fun to play around with if you’ve got the time and product.


magnesium silicate ranges all over the place from basic Talc Powder to Pesticide remediation grade. PR grade Florsil pr (mgsil Pr) from another brand is a similar activation. This is what should be used for pesticides. There should be 4 basic grade though. This dont take much research…this actually been discussed in great length on this website

Ive named carbon chemistry brand and an alternative if anyone thought i was being bias towards what i sell. Basic Magnesium Silicate can be bought on amazon for around 7Kg

This is not to be used for Pesticides the pore size isnt correct. You can buy Talc powder too but i wouldnt use this for anything meant for human consumption or inhalation.


For those that have a pottery kiln and time
Magnesol heated in a kiln at 600-625C will have very similar property s as florisil it s not lab grade but very usefull and cheap


Hi Folks.
Run down on my system. Having some issues with CRC. Have read the forum our unit is quite large…
I have 2 sets of 4x 6inch by 72 inch material columns
We run cold iso blend.
We pump in at 60 psi into material columns.
We then use our MVP liquid to pump out of columns into a heated 150 L collection base from there we feed into a 6x36 jacketed CRC.
The CRC has in order DE, Silica 60, t50, t41, DE pack, 25 paper, 5 paper, 2 um paper.
WE were using a sintered disk, it blew out broke decided to roll paper.
What a mess that was to clean the pots after the crc.
We are preheated the solute in honey pot one feeding with head pressure into crc and then vac pulling on two other honey pots.
Thru put is down big time and yield. I did 100g for each lb of material therefore 40 lb runs we have about 8 total lbs of powder… We do not want straight clear only gold.
I read somewhere i believe by killa packing the column too tight can be un beneficial? True?
We have a blow off on top to relieve any gas pockets although not one on bottom cap…
We are not heating the jacket anymore since we are feeding in warm.
Its a big system, we do have a secondary 6x36 unit mounted next to our current for future use. We have pulled a nice run took forever and yield was shit.
Any help is appreciated. These are big runs…
Maybe we need less powders?
Maybe less tightly packed?

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You need to use 100g per pound of OIL not pound of material. You’re using entirely too much media. And on a forty pound system you should probably get some eight inch crc columns at least. That will help with throughput.


It seems that could have been it…
I thought it seemed like a lot.
Thanks it

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