GLG certification

I’ve worked in industries regulated by* the FDA and the USDA, and they are far less restrictive than any of the legal state cannabis regulations I’ve worked under


Well I’m sure those industries you used to work in didnt produce something intended to be smoked.

Love this!! I have some ideas for sure

Holy s***.

I see what future is reaching for here, standardization baby! I like the principle and idea, I know a few people for sure that have wanted to start a school, just because of the general issue of facts between the bulls***, and there’s certainly lots.

I think this is an absolutely awesome idea. I haven’t explored much of the GLG side, so I wouldn’t be a viable source to express much. But, I do understand, that there is a severe lack in general understanding and principles. (Avg people an R.O. unit is magic) The hardest thing fathomable is trying to imagine someone with literally no base set understanding, and getting them to a point of comprehensive correlation of ideas.

I’ll be curious to see everyone’s criticism and what aggregates from this… @Killa12345 was saying I should join the GLG, guess things like this express lane it. The foundation principles all make sense, but to know you’re doing it to a standard, is as @Future has made the stand point, is incredibly valuable…

Of course this also signals a change to the industry that kind of hurts a bit, it should be the tenacious scamps who take a plunge to learn something, and manage to pull off the modern miracle that these sciences are, to understand something when hard to obtain, is valuable, once easily obtained, hard to stand out. Which falls on individual capacity I suppose, (not a bad thing). But there is something that sucks about the ideas of training videos, intro tests, and certs, it just makes it feel like another job.

(Rolls in tube TV)

(Puts in VHS of training video)

(Tacky music begins)

“So you wanna be an extractor at _______?”

All joking aside, I think this is great, I can just see why it ruffles feathers, and people are griping.

My stand falls back on classic business ethics 101, educate your client…

I’ll be curious to see the comprehensive nature of this as it progresses. The principle of it has some implications that could be incredible. Just gotta sit back and let the community do its thing, agregate conversation and solutions.


I was water boy for the USDA at Washington State University. One of the greenhouses I watered was full of salvia, one table was divinorum. While they didn’t intend anyone to smoke any of it, the whole thing was incredibly lax.


I’m not sure what your arguing right now

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He’s arguing that this whole fucking thing is a salvia dream that he hasn’t woken up from and he is literally thisssss close to finally saying out loud the phrase that will put him back into his body which has been sitting in that room nearly a full decade ago and only six minutes has passed in the meantime.

Juuuus say the magic words Dusty, say the words and you can wake up again, this is taking foreverrrrrr


Lots of buzz words and fanboys paying to play imo

I wonder if you would have given this bogus “certification” to “true” terpenes back when you defended them for lying to the whole country

Seems like a lot of marketing with no real weight of any form to back any type of “certification”

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@Future yes, I’m quite certain smoking Salvia in that greenhouse at WaShInGtOn StAtE was quite "lax":rofl:

Salvia is super pretty tho, had to have been quite nice actually.

^^^^^I will never, not repost this.

I still would argue his founding principle still holds true, there needs to be standardization, but at the same time, when you ask an extractor “what do?” they turn into robots short circuiting, usually behind “it’s proprietary” or they don’t wanna talk about it. It’s a touchy thing, and kind of weird, but at the same time, if I take the time and investment to experiment and get it functional, it logics that pride is involved.


In my experience this kind of thing only happens when you’re talking to a wook that only knows enough about the process to impress folks who dont know any better.


Organic isnt a way you grow your crops. Its a way you market your finished products. Organic certification is a marketing device meant to get a higer price point per amount of commodity sold. Its not how you farm, harvest, etc

This sounds very similar. With how universally accepted the “organic” stamp is, very few consumers actually know or care what it means to be certified organic.

At the end of the day its got to be worth it to the producer, meaning they are going to see the opposite of a loss from getting certified. And it has to be “worth” it to the consumer.

I love how everybody keeps saying cannabis is federally illegal. No its not! Cannabis is federally legal in all 50 states!! THC is what’s not completely federally legal but its getting closer day by day

Its legal in all 50 states for a baby to suck on a nug like a lollipop as long as said nug has <.3%

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Drake you’re actually extremely misinformed and spouting total bullshit,

Organic farming practices are absolutely a standardized and tightly regulated set of specs that need to be met and adhered to in order to maintain an organic certification, my mother is an processing auditor/inspector for the USDA organic program and would laugh directly in your face if you said that in front of her

I’ll post her response in a few hours, stop being a Chad.


The usda doesnt certify organic farming, other farmers do, like your mom probably. Those farmers (like your mom) are certified by the USDA

Here we go…

I don’t understand how this fact validates your claims in any which way shape or form-

Certifying bodies exist in every industry, and those with actual hands on experience in said industry would be the obvious first choice to perform audits.

Nothing to are saying makes any sense, you’re just sort of making random statements that have no cohesive logical structure-

are you trying to claim that the government itself is somehow more apt to properly regulate industry than the people in the industry? Are you a communist ? What is a government anyway? Have you smoked yourself retarded? That last one was a trick question, you don’t have to answer it because it is in fact, rhetorical.

Don’t get hung up on that one, Let’s ask some more questions:

Are you claiming that the USDA organic program would be better suited to be administered by railyard inspectors and OSHA? Or would you give the job to the former corporate attourneys for Dow Chemical Corp? Does Hunter Biden need a job? Maybe he should be in charge of the USDA organic program- I heard his dad used to drive an 18 wheeler

God fucking forbid that a farmer or someone with experience in organic farming practices be working as a part of a certifying body that works with organic farming- that would be downright unamerican.

Personally, I think Philip Morris should be the ones certifying hemp and cannabis.

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How’s the water over there in Flint Michigan?

Oh right, someone told you it’s organic right

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The organic certification program is to make farmers and processors more money. It is a pay to play program.

To get certified organic a farmer or processor either pays high up front costs or low up front costs and an additional per unit fee for every organic unit sold.

A farmer might get a dollar a bushel for conventional oats but he can get $2/bu for organic oats. Thats not free. They have to pay somebody to certify it organic. And the entity that accepts payment for certifying your oats as organic is definitly not the USDA

AgTonik and our parent company are FDA/cGMP/UL certified. A set of standards verified by a third party is a fantastic step for product quality and accountability in the cannabis industry.

Thank you @Future

We are also OMRI/IHSS/HPTA/NPA members. Has there been any thought in a trade group for promotion or legal considerations for extractors/manufacturers/processing facilities?


Actually we care a lot about water in michigan seeing as we have so much of it. And theres lead in the pipes of every major city. If most people knew what actually happened in flint they would see how close their municipal supplies are to being in the same situation.

Way to sling shit and bring ur mom into it bro. “Mom this guys being mean to me on future” @Rowan

Water has no carbon so i dont think its organic if thats what u mean?


I just wanna be real here- you’re saying that there is no difference between conventional farming and organic farming

And then you go on to state that there is no difference between the tap water in flint Michigan and the tap water sourced other municipal water supply in the USA.

Me thinks the tap water has gone to your head sir.

I will counter you - by asking whether you would rather eat a bowl of conventional vegetables, washed with tap water from flint Michigan


would you rather eat a bowl of organic vegetables washed with water from literally any other municipal tap water from any other city in the United States.

We can set up a poll and see how the community responds.

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