GLG Art Coin

Marcel reached out to me 6 months ago wanting to collab on a GLG Coin, seeing as how our model and general political opinions align really well. Of course I said yes, considering he’s basically a boro god

The pull is happening tonight, and I’ll be doing a GLG exclusive presale this up coming week.

The coins are 10 “Art Units” each, but will be discounted for GLG members based in your membership type.

We will be accepting them as currency for GLG related, and my personal events, materials, etc.

There will also be exclusive events that will require proof of ownership of a coin to attend.

More details and pics tonight and tomorrow after the pull :call_me_hand:t3:


If it was last night, I’d be there.


That was originally the plan but Marcel had a wedding to attend.

We have an alternative currency in SW MI, but it has gone downhill over the last few years. I would love another transaction medium that has intrinsic and trade value, but the art portion is fantastic. I watched the documentary last night. I would love to pick some up depending on the price.


what’s ur alternate currency?

like you work for the mill you get paid w mill coins only spendable at the mill store? like old days


Midwest Business Exchange (MBE). It is paper and tied to a serial number registry, so rife for fraud. Borosilicate coins wouldn’t have that problem.


The only problem with it being art is that I never want to divest myself of all the various ones I’ve now accumulated lol


I’ve got numismatic gold and silver coins like that too.


If anyone was able to replicate Marcels art and pass it off as his fraudulently, they deserve it. Shit is beyond impressive.

This in fact is the general idea behind using art with general currency in the first place


Same. Lots of cool rare dimes too from buying bags of junk silver

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so what does buying one these do again for a GLG member

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Beyond it being an appreciating asset like all of Marcels previous work?

Read my OP

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so if I want to buy one did you say I get discount being GLG or did I read it wrong


I’d buy one, guys a legend and the art is worth it alone


No that’s correct

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where do I put in for the discount gonna grab one there isn’t many left and the ones I really want are already bought. :frowning:

Is this on a blockchain? Is this an NFT? I don’t know how the internet works.

Sign me up :call_me_hand: I’m down for atleast one or two

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I’m down for at least one possibly two


Not currently. Using any of the popular blockchains that support NFTs would double the price of the coin, and the cheap obscure ones I have little confidence they exist in 5 years