Getting ready for 1st Nitro Assist BHO Run

Thank you. Im still a little worried but we’ll see. Also, I’m on the porch but it is halfway closed off to the house. Trust me, I’m OUTSIDE.


What is the pressure You want to set on the regulator ?

Them clamps tho, lol

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If your worried. Then just don’t use it. If your taking risk unnecessarily. Don’t. There is no shame in cutting a run short when you don’t have the right tools


10 Psi, good enough? I’m pushing 4lbs of solvent.

I normally push with 20/30 psi

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I guess im really anxious. I feel the way I felt when I first used it a couple years ago.

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Does 5 lbs of solvent fit in your collection pot ? Seems small

Looks like it’s 6”. With a splatter platter. 5lbs of say is ok. It probably holds 6 safe

Yes. The collection platter is like a 2 piece. You have the smaller platter and then that clamps to a bigger sized platter. I usually do between 4-6lbs of solvent per run.

Yup😉 that’s it

Dont be worried. As long as you have no ignition sources, are not walking around in your socks and your buddy doesn’t walk up to you mid run smoking a cig, you’re good. The nitrogen is the only new thing right? It’s just to push it through, then ya vent it out. You got this. Just think in 2010 people were extracting with glass tubes lmao


Yes, the only new thing is the N2 and the new parts.

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Ok so set the regulator and go 4 iT
Yust remember everything is Cryo now and once iT starts to heat up iT Will expand the gasses and rise pressure


So in your case once recovery starts open ball valve and leave colomn atached to be able to reliëf pressure When ever neccesary on the valve next to your inlet valve

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If you can see/smell the vent you can then distinguish between venting N2 and venting solvent


Make sure you’ve pressure tested the system before you try it out.
Dangerous stuff.

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You ain’t kidding @Killa12345. I sent a friend a video rolling a drop top and she shifted on me. :joy::joy::joy: I got a picture back of her snowed in car. Carlito don’t feel bad about the clamps, @killa12345 reamed me a new one when he saw mine so I primed the fancy double bolt ones. :joy::joy::joy: Now I’m a fofessional. I would suggest getting a sniffer if you don’t already have one. GL


Just got done checking for leaks and stuff. We are good 2 go

I’d almost rather be where you at then where I’m at but at least I’m not snowed in. Every year I spend Christmas in the snow. The last 2 years I’ve just told the family. I’m not traveling. I’m done with the cold. I love ski resorts cause it’s just so easy to warm up, have fun or sweat. I’m just over spending the whole time in the freezing cold. It gets dark at like 4pm and people hibernate.

I’m trying to convince the family to spend next Christmas in Hawaii.