Hey guys, it’s about time for me to stop creeping “behind the curtains” on here… I’m still a newbie to extracting and only been doing it for about 2 years doing shatter. I have been running with a 1# Skylight CLS from BVV. I run Passive and have 2 recovery tanks. Through the guidance of a Trusted member here i was advised to use N2 to assist me with pushing the solvent through and freezing everything (Column, solvent and recovery tank)
I stopped by my local gas place and picked up a nice medium sized N2 tank and a Regulator to go along with it.
I also stopped by my local supply place and bought some extra valves and connectors to assist in modifying my setup. I’m wrapping all connection joint with Teflon tape and I’m gonna do a vac test to check for any leaks before I begin. I’ll post pics as I go along and while I’m waiting for my recovery tank to start going cryo.
Enjoy the show and feel free to chime in with anything you guys might have. I’m gonna need some help on this one, lmao.
Well on every column or pot You have
But Ok just realize there is No time to take a piss or coffee concentrate grom beginning to end
Once all is Cryo the only thing that creates presurre is n2 so use iT to do what You want to do and then vent iT of right away
Realize that When at Cryo temps iT seems empty at normal temps You hit 10 psi easy
Nitrogen is forever expanding so if you trap it in your system (for example no pressure relief valve) it will either find a way to escape through your clamps or it will explode. So like roguelab said as soon as you use the nitrogen, vent it out of the system through the top of your column
Your clamps would probably blow first by looking at them. I use the double bolt clamps personally