If you have a college degree you from a real college not a for profit college, you deserve to make at least $20 a hr. If you have an actual college degree and are using in the field you went to school. You should earn at least $25 an hour.
There isnt a job on this plant “in real corporate america” where the candidate doesnt go threw training. Its almost absurd hearing that people are expected to come into a new company and not be properly trained. Most people exagerate on their applications and im suppose to use that information and let you run hog wild in the company…no! Real companies have structure and spend lots of money figuring out how to properly maximize a candidates potential. Yes a college degree only indicates a persons abilitlity to learn…its the companies duty to maximize those abilities.
I think if you been happy making $18 and overtime. 60K isnt bad. your young. You have lots of time for real earning. its time to build more skills to make you even more indispensable. 60K should be deceit pay outta school. Should have graduated in the early 2000s with a computer science degree, they gave every magna cum laude 100k right outta college…then the tech bubble broke! hahaha