If you see something you want, please make me an offer, seriously you will not offend me!
All inquiries text Kris at: (916) 382-0583
Near Downtown Sacramento CA
Pickup for Cash
Robo Filler from AirVapor
More Pics: Dropbox - ROBOFILLER - Simplify your life
Automatic Robotic filler for vape carts. Includes compressor, vessel, cart, and cables
$4500 OBO
Propane Tanks, 2 small, 2 tall, and 2 tall wide
More Pics: Dropbox - MISC - Simplify your life
$400 OBO for all of them
Danby Beverage Refrigerator
More Pics: Dropbox - FRIDGE - Simplify your life
$140 OBO
Assorted Extraction Equipment; Vac pumps, Büchner funnel, extraction tube. Not pictured, clamps
$1000 OBO for everything
$200 OBO for both
Pyrex, over 180 Pans, 5 or more Pitchers
$900 OBO for all of them