FYI: Cmep+double coil= no recovery

Figured someone else will find this useful. Just got a cmep ol. I already had a double coil. Went to start recovering with it in slurry. 3 min later nothing recovered. Took the coil out and it started recovering. Its now in a buxket of water. Im assuming it got too cold and gelled up.
Whats the right coil a single?

Too cold of a coil will freeze over if there’s enough water in your butane from extraction. The double coil might just be getting it too cold.

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Ya my bud up in the triangle told me you cant use a double coil in a slurry with a cmep.
This was the first run on the solvent and some dry dry dry old trim


waxplug mentioned something about having a leak at the connection of one of his coils causing moisture to get inside and freeze the coil over…maybe secure connection and try again for shits and giggles? why double coil anyway? a single coil with acetone slurry should suffice


I had a trs21 and a double was better for that. I already had it

we use dual cmep-ol with dual coil on both, works better the colder you get as long as you have 20 psi or more on input of pump. if it freezes in the coil then theres water vapor in your butane. period


Does your cmep have the radiator?

Butane gets heavy when it’s cold and the line leading to the solvent tank is warm so that being said…its too heavy to push/pull the liquid solvent out the coil and through a warm line and upwards which is also causing vapor pressure until it gets down to temp…I’ve also had clogs due to moisture until I put my sieve first…and I’ve noticed when I put my coil higher than my tank it flows easier into my tank due to gravity helping pull the solvent thru a warm line


Good info. Thanks

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yes. we have v1s that have just been repaired on pistons/gaskets but we never removed the radiators. have a 4ft 4" sieve column directly after recovery chamber/ along with a 1ft 4" expansion column below the sieve (lets the gas expand and if any oil was to somehow bump/get pulled into) wont get into sieves at all. coils in DI and tane tank is vacuum jacketed so ambient temps dont effect it as much.

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also insulate every line that has liquid tane


I replaced the radiators with the liquid cooled ones for all my gen 1 and it made a really noticable difference with just running ice water


Care to elaborate? Im new to the cmep.
What would the ice water do and how and where?

Is it in a slurry or just dry ice?

3 gallons DI /2gallons ethanol, yes a slurry.— can use acetone if you want a tad colder but i dont like the harsh smell. in the next month there should be completely different “piston head/body for them” theres a company that remade the piston section so that rebuilds will never be needed soon.

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Whos making those?

Ecogreen sells them. Its nust a replacement radiator thats encased so you can run cold fluid around the radiator before it leaves the pump.

one could take the current radiator off and put a plate exchanger with water counterflow in its place.


Dk you run a coil after still?

Heat exchangers