I’m so emtional u guys have me to tears!
I kmew we all werre close but damn im shocked
the industry takes care of their own
Man u guys im more at home hobbist that takea care his fam, i worked 2 reaal jobs and this was 3rd fpr passion,…one day otll be legal here i wamma open tbe first thc processor
Just saying i only have a passiom for this fhat drives me
I’m gonna put up something for raffle for this. Just let me think. I was thinking a full crc kit or something like that. Just finishing off the weekend but I plan to do something for ya @StoneD
Hope your feeling better
Yet again fuck man yall got me crying i cant belive the fam like compassion here
I can do zelle the I’ll forward the PP.
I’m trying to come up with something creative too. Will post an offering of something soon…
Me too. I feel bad not jumping to the cause but I think I can raise more money for stoned with another raffle rather just throwing him a few hundred.
Don’t feel bad, it’s better to stager the offerings out anyways. There is so much positive energy, everyone wants to give, pretty rad! With Capttripppp it got hard to follow. Maybe we should try to coordinate 2 or 3 offerings at a time that run for 48hrs or so. Then on to the next?
I’ll be able cut more snips in about a week, so I open 3 spots for them till next Sunday. For this thread only.
Show your donation in the thread & @ me.
(Multiple snips of each per donation)
@anon16547145 I would like 1 Lava Cake and 1 Jungle Cookies pls.
Im properly blown away
Welcome to my world! At least I’m not the only 1 now! It’s a weird feeling to find out that alot more people care than you ever even knew!
Dude tbis place just keeps on giving from sops to my lifetime glg. Membership. I wom,ur spd kills helping me build a rig
I just can’t explain the love
^^^This^^^ No explanation needed! It’s as simple as LOVE
I have Hawaiian copelandia mycellium tp share w whoevef wojld like it,…just meed to teach me fhe proper way and easxiesf way to send it as my apores afe limited but mycellium never quits
thank u @Waxplug1 and @Killa12345 fur startimg this AND to everyone else thats donated im at lost for word’s…thank u so much…this place truley mever stops giving to mme i been ao lucky here
Always coming through <3 will send in a sec still waking up.
From @UnlimitedBotanicals
When I land and recover in the next 24 hours I’ll send some love. Been. Extra ocupado en cuba