Hi, everyone!
I am a full-stack webdeveloper!
I have experience Laravel,PHP,Python,Vue, React, MySql.
If you want website, please contact me.
Thank you!
Where are you located
Thank you for your reply.
I am from Russia.
My name is Yuyuan Zhang
Hi, I moved your topic to a more appropriate category (Resumes)
Do you have any exciting projects going on or some examples of your work or a public git?
Yes, he helped Russia defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Thank you for your reply.
This is my recent work.
This site made of by me using Laravel6
and this site can see only USA IP, otherwise you can see coming soon page. -
Also this site made of laravel6 -
this site contain all payment gate way. - my git name1: Gerasimov1991
Thank you for your attention.
I hope the relation ship with you.
Hi, Thank you for your reply.
Hows the Coronavirus over there in Russia?
It did not spread large.
Ipfs experience?
Sorry, not experience yet.
Custom wordpress plugins?
Hi, sure. I am wordpress expert.
Do you know of a plug-in that would automatically donate a percentage of my sales to a charity?
I know there are plug ins for an option for a donation but I want it to be mandatory with every sale, like let’s say someone purchases a $100 item it donates $5 to that charity automatically.
yes, I can do it.
If you want more chat, I think it is possible.
Not my question but thanks
Sounds like a custom job. Can’t think of anything like that other than affiliate commissions.
I’m paying someone to overhaul my site right now they may have a solution, but the longer it takes them the more billable hours it is so I’ve been calling square, WordPress, and WooCommerce and going on some forums trying to figure it out
3 posts were split to a new topic: Website tech talk