Fuck the Police, Help Tweedledew (a fundraiser)

Morning bump!

Hope y’all have a good one! Help @tweedledew have a better one! Pay the man! Well, not “the man” 'cause that’s who we fighting. Pay Tweedle (so he can fight the man!)!


@symbioticad, I received your donation! Not sure if you wanted the dollar amount shared, but wow! Thank you!


Yea of course! I’ve been around the block with similar issues. Nobody needs to go through that, especially under the circumstances.


@ArendisGroup (at least I believe it was you), I have received your very generous donation! Wow! Y’all are awesome!

I will respect the privacy of each donator’s dollar value contributed. If y’all want to share how amazing you are, you are welcome to share!

I’ll also do my best to acknowledge donors in a timely fashion. If I’m taking longer than anyone would like, @ me, and I’ll see it as soon as I hop back on (and try to respond to that first).


Sorry but this never gets old to me lol


Hahahahaha, I just saw that one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Some donors are wishing to remain anonymous, so if you donate and want recognition for being the awesome human you are (providing you are indeed a human), leave your @ in the note so I can mention it here. People are also welcome to put up that they donated themselves (to help bump the thread and encourage more people donating).

Thanks again everyone for rallying around Tweedle! Y’all are awesome!


Morning bump!

Good morning. Now bump up the numbers in Tweedle’s bank account! (Please and thank you)

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Much thanks friends :slight_smile: I’ve got a decent amount of consulting to do for some of you now :wink:

Who knew this little brain would be in demand :slight_smile:


Honestly, I just wanted to see pictures of your dogs


You spelled dongs wrong lol


And I didn’t want to see him naked

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I know cases move slow but how’s tweedle holding up. He’s not gonna end up in a van down by the river is he?



I’m in an RV in a patch of dirt.

So not quite as nice as a river unfortunately.


For real though I’m glad you are “ok” because I’ve seen people go through this and end up on the streets.


Yeah, it’s been… An unsettling few weeks. I thought there was a vague chance of the case just being tossed out because it’s stupid… But now that’s not what’s happening.

We’ve been a bit morose in this household. We were pretty broke before but this just iced that cake. We’ve got a lot of uncertainty in our lives, and my partner and I were both on the verge of burnout before all this started. We’re also a bit worried about our current living situation, our neighbors have been huge dickheads and have been reporting us to bylaw enforcement because we’re not supposed to be living in an RV. They hate the landowner because he had some transients here before us, and they fucked shit up and pissed off everyone. He also just left garbage and equipment and stuff laying around, so we’ve been constantly trying to improve things so it looks like we’re making it nicer to try and impress our neighbors and not kicked off the land. The absolute worst part is, there’s no RV parks that take any vehicles that are older than 15 years for liability reasons. So we’re legitimately scared we might forcibly get the boot by the local police if the neighbors keep calling in, and there’s nowhere for us to go.

So… Money and housing insecurity is truly giving us the blues. And with building material prices it’s near impossible to build any kind of micro home on our non existent budget. Haven’t had running water or septic services. Dreading the upcoming winter a bit again.

But… I’ve got a killer view. Learning new trades. My plants are doing well. And as of Monday were supposed to have a well finished. So we’ll have running water for the first time in a year!!!

Maybe things will work out! :stuck_out_tongue:


Just sent some $ over. Let’s keep this rolling people!


I dont have any funds I can donate atm, as I just got through an extremely similar gnarly 4 YEAR long legal situation myself involving hydrocarbon extraction.
I got ALL of my equipment back (bfe, ovens, all stainless etc etc etc) and beat the charges. 2x, literally 2-0 w those fucks (they refiled charges after first W) All hope is not lost man, hang in there!!!

If you have questions regarding legal advice, hit my dm, I may be able to point you in a SOLID direction for counsel (if in ca), and also may be able to help with any questions or concerns you may have running through your head.

I’m really sorry you’re dealing with this man, and I wish I could help more rn. My situation was very very similar, and DIRE, and one cannot imagine the toll this truly takes on you. Beyond a nightmare. I’m jus starting to get back on my feet hang in there bro, I’ll toss you something when I can.


What legal strategy did you use ? Jury nullification?