Freeze Dried Buds (Pros vs Cons)

What’s your opinions on freeze dried buds?

We’ve played with it a bunch and found that the buds come out perfect if you place them into a turkey bag with a 2 way humidity pack right out of the FD

The buds are literally bone dry when they come out and the terps are perfectly preserved. However you need that humidity pack and 24 hours of it the buds sitting with the humidity pack for them to be ready.

What this means is that you can harvest and Freeze your crop to make fresh packs to order and never have to worry about the bud going bad. Which means you don’t have to worry about losing product to age.

obviously FD’s aren’t cheap and you would need good amount of chest freezers to keep a cycle going. but the ability to have fresh LIVE RESIN buds adds a level of excellence and quality typical drying doesn’t achieve.

I know a lot of people don’t like freeze dried buds but i honestly believe its because they didn’t rehydrate after the FD and the buds taste funky when they’re not rehydrated.

I’d love to hear the communities thoughts on this.

Peace out Stay lifted


i found freeze dried buds made a very dark extract when i did some test runs


Really do you have picture of the oil i made? Id love to see it

We haven’t tried extracting with it yet

You have a picture or brand name of the 2 wat humidity packs you use ?


i dont have any pics but we ran the exact same crop of material as fresh frozen and freeze dried and the fresh frozen came out light yellow and the freeze dried came out dark brown


That’s wild! i wonder what caused it cause there’s like zero oxidation when freeze drying.

Did the material sit for a bit before you extracted it or was it straight out the FD to the material column?


We used these they’re for cigars but they work great if you throw 2-3 in a turkey bag with unit

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I found this as well!


any thoughts on what’s causing it?

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No, hoping someone here can elaborate.

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same. There’s gotta be a scientific explanation behind it.

Did you run terp analysis on them to compare? Or what did your nose tell you ?

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Did you reduce your magic dirt by 4x?


chlorophyll doesn’t get a chance to break down like it would when conventionally dried/cured, that would be my guess

shine a uv light at the oil and see if it glows reddish or blueish


^^^ 100%


i can see the freeze drying process messing with the chlorophyl or something like that…


no i didnt do any analysis but the terps dont smell too bad

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it sat for probably a month with hydration packs in a sealed black bag

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Try it right out of the freeze dryer next time. Every time we have ran freeze dried trim it has ran beautifully.

Why would you wanna rehydrate it before extracting that’s counter intuitive and defeats the purpose.