Free DNA pre synthesized CBDa and THCa production in yeast

Brew your CBDa and THCa?

I have the 4 sequences for transformation of S Cerevisiae in possesion and cryobanked at two biotech firms.

Cost of sequencing was $24,000

Anyone interested in complex transformations of yeast? Should you use what is created for commercial, remember it is patented and agreements should be negotiated with the inventors.

This method of production is the most efficient way to make a single cannabinoid “crude” solution requiring lysis of cells, filtration then solvent recovery.

This method does produce what is considered a “Schedule 1” cannabinoid. So dont sell or consume in the United States. Plenty of legal export markets exist for Cannabinoids produced in this manner.

The fastest way to change this “Schedule 1” categorization and eliminate the red tape is to make it unenforceable.

Let me know if you want to take a shot at it. I have already sequenced the DNA and it has been stored available for scale up.

For research purposes only. Any commercial production may need to be discussed with Librede, Inc.

Cost of scale up depending on amount of DNA produced ranges from $600 to $2800. It can be done with the $600. Only one shot though.

First 25 people I will ask to chip in $500 to pay the remaining balance I have with the original synthesis company.

Haters in America…. Blew me up stole my shit. I guess the entire community can finish it. I ran off to Europe to avoid explosions… or maybe look for bigger ones :thinking:… not so sure…. Testing limits of “bomb resistance” :joy:

From chemistry…. Dive headfirst into genetic transformations, genetic engineering, Who knows what could come about. The number of minds matter.

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Currently working on a sub account that I can post on here allowing people to log in and order. Until then I need to log in and place the order.


Psilocybin is a definite possibility, Peptides any of them. Gene targeted cancer therapy…. Possibilities are limitless. With a thousand minds only so much can be done with ten million what can be, the change, the possibilities grow exponentially. The options available to humanity in 10 years are totally different with consideration of the two scenarios. Collective knowledge grows exponentially.

Dumbest idea that’s ever been pursued. Think about it, you have a plant that already exists and can make your target product at 30% by mass in part of its flowers, that is HUGE in terms of a biosynthetic production. You’re not going to improve that with transgenic yeast. And in terms of energy inputs, heterotrophic yeast are not going to be able to compete with a photosynthetic plant!

There was a small startup in 2015 with a couple of Canadian grad students who left grad school to pursue this. I can’t remember their names or the company name, but they were among the first people to realize the expensive way that you can’t outcompete a cannabis plant at making THC. 2015 was a huge time for small biotech startups, 98% of them never turned out to be profitable. I pitched an idea for genetic THCA-synthase knockout hemp plants back then. Couldn’t get it funded, but it got my foot in the door in the industry lol.

There may be transgenic yeast applications for other specialty molecules that AREN’T already produced in high yields in plants or fungus, but THC or CBD ain’t it.


Yeah, but if you wanna then glycosylate (make truly water sol) in yeast & secrete into the media….


Im just trying to get more people into microbiology is all. You never know until you try. I am reducing the cost related to any attempt at genetic transformations of yeast for cannabinoid production.

Let me know. Instead of a full synthesis cost, just pay for the scale up.


XD I’m more interested in your ketamine and similar compounds manufacturing :heart: hope you’re well and enjoying the eurotrip

Synth madman


Playing with the DNA is Molecular Biology

Microbiology is bacteria and fungi…

You can absolutely combine the two, eg the proposed manipulation of yeast.

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Still think that floating cultures of cells from the buds themselves will be the answer to this.


Working out here. No other place to work in the States. Everything stolen. Had they waited two weeks to blow me up id have $1.1 million. $720k just from FDCK alone. Not including the drum of CBD Disty and who knows how many buckets laying around.

I guess blowing places up then stealing all the shit inside isnt a crime anymore in the US.

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Anyways here are sequencing results from the DNA sequences

Google drive link. Has fasta and fastb files.


It’s just business


Fucking awesome! :joy:

I guess I can go home and do just that. Urea nitrate the front of a building off and go in and steal all the shit… just biz :us:

Guess I didn’t get the memo that conduct was ok. :thinking:


That’s the sarcasm font…


I brew 3 x a week. This involves precision fermentation: oil jacketed airlift reactors specifically. All the ingredients for just growing cube much and extracting it after a week of growth.

I don’t have faith in yeast beyond ethanols. I’m watching the space and it seems difficult to market it if it “gets out”. The entire model is susceptible to insider threat and competitive intel threats.

Would love to eat those words, but not betting $500. But I sorta hope someone considers this.

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Ive spoke with people from the food industry who claim that they have this already figured out. Had a pretty ineresting conversation with individuals from liberation labs, ginko biworks and syngene about this. They seem to think that a few groups are already sitting on this waiting for proper framework.

Why the food industry? Because precision fermentation is going to be where fat, texture, sugar addatives, proteins and cosmetics are going to come from for future CPGs. And PF companies are heavily invested in these technologies. Look at liberation labs 1.5M liters of reactor space theyre building in indiana to support it.


Anyways if anyone wants to order Ill put you in the email thread with the sales rep. I’m not taking any money directly.

If I’m not mistaken there’s an Israeli company that’s been doing that for I think something like 4 or 5 years now

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Its schedule 1 in the States. THCa is legal by a technicality in the UK. The United Kingdom has a broad psychoactive ban. THCa is not psychoactive until it is heated. I guess crime happens with a lighter there. It is an uphill battle as UK Law Enforcement slowly learns about the science behind it all. They will still throw people in jail but with the right solicitor/barrister youre out quick and the case will be dropped.

Anyone from UK? Lets brew some legal THCa. Direct email thread with the companies. I have sequences cryobanked at two. You pay the company not me. No scam here.
I bought from one then verified sequence with another. They now both store it, soon a few manufacturers in Europe also.

My test results look different because of random starting point in sequencing. Picture all the letters in a big circle, when sequenced it starts at a random point.

Can walk through everything I learned the hard way. Definitely recommend clean positive air pressure space. Blow pre filtered air into the workspace. Positive air pressure means sweep maybe once or twice a year :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: (no dust). VEVOR Air Scrubber with 3-Stage Filtration, Stackable Negative Air Machine 800 CFM, Air Cleaner with MERV10, Carbon, H13 HEPA, for Home, Industrial and Commercial Use | VEVOR US

The VEVOR device has fan, hepa, carbon and uv. Perfect for PAP spaces.

These haters blew me up, cant afford to pay up… tired of this game. $1.1 million. Even if they offered to pay, this isnt stopping. I’ll just save my blow something up with 2.45ghz energy or 40kw laser pass for some other time… :joy:

2.45ghz low wattage medical device… or low variable wattage… low is local with handpiece. From a distance wattage needs to go up. Some people dont know that its the same frequency as a microwave oven. And when you point it at things with explosive mixtures & metal particles inside it could cause things to explode. Or maybe it was done on purpose but whatever, hit me a again. Walking out of there bleeding with abdominal/chest punctures and being able to drive felt pretty good. 12 feet away, roll up door through one wall 80 feet away didnt do so well. Does anyone have the full video? I wonder how long i was out. When i drove my Tesla out there was already dozens of fire trucks and ambulances. Thank God I drove to Beverly Hills then had a friend drive me to the hospital. I still have my original clothes in that video unwashed sealed with particles or whatever biological material was in that place.

^ paragraph above crazy angry tired 0300 Central European Time rambling :joy:


Surviving an explosion and going on a eurotrip while battling for recovery on all fronts and doing what you gotta do to survive will do that. You’ll find a come up soon. Rooting for ya. You are very lucky after all.

The UK is down for THCA? Lol shiiiiiiiii

I think you should just take imports hahaha

Price is going the way of CBD here.