Free Color Remediation Media Sample

Thank you for that but I’m not affiliated with media bro’s, I hope you have fun at the webinar, you could probably learn a lot!


I don’t really see this changing the game really, the crc game has been locked down quite well already. And it’s quite a lot of media used per lb of biomass. I run 60lbs of biomass at a time, so I need 12kg per run at 200g/lbs biomass. Seems using t5, carbon and magsil is cheaper as I can reuse the magsil.


Cutie pie

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@DamnBro 2000 lbs in 8 hours running a hydrocarbon solvent? How much powder did you run? Do tell big guy…I’m all ears.


Que the pictures of loading the CRC with a forklift lol


Where did he post this?

Right there. Then edited his post.

Click on the pencil icon thingy next to the time of his post. It’ll reveal his original post.


The almighty pencil icon


Hahaha I see it now. Must be the cutie pie post. If he is a shill that’s not cool. If he is not why did he edit his post. Something fishy going on here.


Yeah…that was my thought. Which is why we must ask…

I just looked and he is a member for 2 years so prolly not a shill. I would be more suspicious if he just joined.


its funny when someone posts a comment commending a new product the forum instantly jumps and is like shill shill…I honestly thought the same then looked at his/her posts and they look legit.

2000lbs in 8 hrs is next level shit. media bros and Luna seem to have some sorta working relationship. If this dude is running a luna CLS id imagine he can hit numbers like that and reason for his dig at us.

Im just trying to run the numbers on the amount of CRX needed for a metric ton of material a day. Then add the input. The facility overhead… Then think this is for the hemp industry and think to yourself. What does this CRC hemp extract cost and what product is it being made into as i dont know hemp products with this type of margin…

Id love to see some of these numbers…


They look legit. I agree.

I want to know about 2000lbs in 8 hrs. You cant say shit like that here and not get asked. Because I think about how i would do such things…and I know others do too…


have you ever seen luna extractors? Them shits are like automated baller cls. I dont know about a metric ton every 8 hours type shit but hey hopefully we all learn something

This dont look like it can do 200lb in 8 hours. Id love to see the warehouse size extractor

maybe this is @DamnBro extractor

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2k lbs of 3 year old machine trim?

I dont normally keep trim around for 3 years but when i do its a ton of machine trim.


$350k later


Thanks @DamnBro. We appreciate the feedback! This is how it should be working. If anyone is getting different results it would be great to look at the steps you are taking to figure out where the “miss” is.


I do work for Luna Tech and specialize in selling their hydrocarbon equipment. Our machine does 18 lbs an hour dry trim, 25 lbs an hour fresh frozen. Clockwork, minimum supervision necessary. You will get a text message when the machine is ready for a bio swap. You can go through 200 lbs hydrocarbon on our system in 8-9 hours. It can run 24/7 and crank through 500-550 lbs a day if you run that many shift. There is about 10 minutes of down time an hour while replacing bio cartridges. And if anyone does not believe this little machine can do it, there is an open invite to come and tour our warehouse in Portland Oregon. From there we can take you to two or three of our customers processing facilities and you can talk to them candidly. We have happy customers that never experience buyers remorse.

Ultimately I am happy that this post has taken a life of its own. @DamnBro is not paid by us at all. He got a free sample of our product, used it in an effective manner, and has been sharing his results. I don’t know that he has a Luna Tech machine either.

But if anyone does want to automate their hydrocarbon system and run multiple different output products with one machine consistently then reach out to me and lets talk about it.


baller shit!! never doubted anything in this thread. I said @damnbro acct looked legit with legit non shill post and say your equipement is the most baller CLS ive seen pictures or videos of. nothing but positive from me. Id like to learn some stuff


So where is the CRC column on this bad mammajamma? I think you could hit some decent numbers here… :stuck_out_tongue: